
Software Package for Modelling of Rough Fractures in Rock




Software package is targeted for research and educational purposes dealing with rough fractures in rocks. However it may also be applied to the modelling of fractures in engineering materials.


Present release contains SynFrac 1.0 program, targeted for numerical synthesis of rough fracture surfaces. For more detailed description of this programs and usage methods please refer to the corresponding section of this document.


This software package was developed by Aberdeen University Petrophysics Group within the framework of the project “The Scaling Behavior of Fluid Flow through Rough Fractures”.


This work is sponsored by NERC as part of the Micro-to-Macro Thematic Programme


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Dr. Paul W.J. Glover

Project Supervisor

+1 418 656 5180




Dr. Evgeny Isakov

Modelling Techniques and Programming



Dr. Steven R. Ogilvie

Experimental Techniques




Overview of the Software Package

SynFracGeneration of Synthetic Fracture Patterns

File Formats for Data Exchange

Specifications and System Requirements



Specifications and System Requirements


Present pre-release is supplied as a zipped file for download from No installation is required.

Zipped filecontains:

To run this programs you need an IBM PC-compatible computer under Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/2003/2007. The package was not tested under Windows Millennium Edition (ME) and Vista but should work because of the systems compatibility.


Minimal requirements to the computer you use depend significantly on the fracture pattern sizes you are intended to process and your patience. It is generally recommended to use at least 200MHz processor and have at least 32MB of RAM. You can use slower computer under restriction to work with the smallest fracture sizes.



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