File Formats for Data Exchange


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This section describes file formats used in the software for data exchange between the programs included in the software package and other programs.




Complete Fracture Description

File extension “.frc”


This file format is the native format for the present software and it is preferable for fracture data transfer between the programs included in the package. The format allows the storage of complete descriptions of the fractures as a single file. This file includes all the fracture parameters used for modelling purposes as well as separate descriptions for both fracture surfaces and the resulting fracture aperture. On the other hand any part of the description may be not included in the file if it is not known at the time of the file creation.




Elevation Data in ASCII


These are three different file formats for the storage of elevation data (expressed in millimetres) as text. You may import these data into most applications for data processing, such as MS Excel, SigmaPlot, etc. Files may also be edited as a text, but notice that their size may be extremely large. Files do not contain any additional description of the fracture parameters. Accuracy of the presentation of elevation data is 0.01mm.



Data Tables. File extensions “.frt”


Elevation data are organized in a form of a text numeric table, with x-values arranged by row and y-values arranged by column. Data are stored in three separate files for top and bottom surfaces and the aperture. The files have extensions “.top.frt”, “.bottom.frt”, and “.aperture.frt”, respectively.



Data XYZ Format. File extensions “.xyz”


Elevation data are presented as three numeric columns. Each row contains two integer datapoint indices (in both directions) and corresponding elevation (in mm). Data are stored in three separate files for top and bottom surfaces and the aperture. The files have extensions “”, “”, and “”, respectively.



Data XYZZZ Format. File extensions “.fre”


Elevation data are presented as five numeric columns in a single file. Each row contains two integer datapoint indices (in both directions), and corresponding elevations of the top and bottom fracture surfaces and the fracture aperture (in mm).




Matrices Binary Data

File extensions “.m2d”


This binary format is also native for the present software package. Each file represents a “shot” of the elevation matrix as it is stored in the computer memory. No additional fracture parameters are stored in this format. Three separate files for top and bottom surfaces and the aperture have the extensions “.top.m2d”, “.bottom.m2d”, and “.aperture.m2d”, respectively.



Bitmap Images

File extensions “.bmp”


These are conventional bitmap images for presentation purposes. Images are the same you see on the screen when you work with a program. Three separate files for top and bottom surfaces and the aperture have the extensions “.top.bmp”, “.bottom.bmp”, and “.aperture.bmp”, respectively.

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