The Stratigraphy Group

Group Members
The Stratigraphy Group principally comprises staff and students based in Leeds and Manchester, with associated personnel and research groups from across the world. |
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Professor of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
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Professor of Stratigraphy (University of Manchester) |
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Lecturer in Petroleum Geology (University of Manchester) |
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Research Associate (University of Manchester) |
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Research Fellow |
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Research Fellow |
Research Fellow |
Evolution, processes and deposits of high latitude submarine fans. NERC-DTP |
Stratigraphic architecture of shallow-marine systems in syn-rift to post-rift settings. SMRG |
A hierarchical, process-based characterisation of deep-marine reservoir quality - University of Manchester. |
Deepwater mudrock depositional processes and sequence stratigraphy in the Permo-Triassic icehouse to greenhouse transition in the Karoo Basin (South Africa) - University of Manchester. |
Influence of tectonic, erosional, and depositional relief on deepwater processes and stratigraphy. SLOPE4 |
Quantitative prediction of fluvial stratigraphic architecture in overbank successions. FRG |
The continental shelf: a conveyor or filter of sediment to deep water? SMRG |
Response of density underflows to rift basin floor typography and palaeoenvironmental changes. |
Origin, evolution, and mobility of large seabed bedforms, offshore East Anglia. SMRG / Vatenfall |
Coastal response to marine transgression: employing the offshore Holocene record to constrain future coastal realignment strategies. LARS |
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Numerical modelling of stepped slope profiles. Petrobras - TU Delft. |
Collapse of the British-Irish Ice Sheet: the role of climate and sea-level changes. NERC-DTP |
On the shelf to fluvial transition. SLOPE4 - University of Manchester. |
Depositional architecture of a deep-water apron system: Unit 5, Skoorsteenberg Fm., Tanqua Depocentre, Karoo Basin, South Africa. LARS |
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Heavy minerals in the palaeo and modern Orange River and offshore southern Namibia: implications for understanding the evolution of marine diamondiferous placers SMRG / PMG |
Geomorphology of active submarine channels. LARS |
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Submarine lobes in post-rift settings: facies, geometry, and stacking patterns from the Los Molles Fm., Neuquén Basin, Argentina. LOBE2 |
Controls on point bar architecture based on 3D outcrop studies. FRG |
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Controls on the deposition, accumulation and preservation of mixed fluvial and marginal-marine successions in coastal-plain settings. FRG-ERG |
The figure below illustrates the range of depositional environments investigated by the current and past members of the group. |
Andrea Ortiz-Karpf | Bathymetric and substrate controls on submaring mass-transport emplacement processes and channel-levee complex evolution (Colciencas). | 2012-2016 |
Sarah Cobain | Mechanisms, distribution, and subsurface implications of clastic dyke and sill emplacement. NERC Open CASE (Statoil). | 2012-2016 |
Janet Richardson | Antecedent fluvial systems on an uplifted continental margin: constraining Cretaceous to present-day drainage basin development in southern South Africa. | 2012-2016 |
Yvonne Spychala | Are all lobes made equal? Comparing the sedimentological processes and depositional architecture of submarine lobes in different palaeogeographic and sequence stratigraphic positions. LOBE2 | 2012-2016 |
Menno Hofstra | From confined to unconfined: the sedimentary processes and stratigraphic record of submarine channel-mouth lobes. LOBE2 | 2012-2016 |
Marcello Gugliotta | Tidal-Fluvial transitions and their stratigraphic significance. Lajas project. - University of Manchester. | 2012-2016 |
Xiaoxi Wang | Physical and numerical modelling of turbidity currents in bathymetrically complex settings. CSC - TU Delft. | 2010-2015 |
Alice Gulliford | Controls on river and overbank processes in an aggradation-dominated system: Permo-Triassic Beaufort Group, South Africa. - University of Manchester. | 2010-2014 |
Emma Morris | Stratigraphic record of sedimentary processes in submarine channel-levee systems. | 2009-2014 |
George Jones | Sedimentary processes and stratigraphic record of the shelf to slope transition; an example from the Karoo Basin, South Africa. | 2008-2013 |
Gemma Byrne | The role of changing water geochemistry in mineral formation and distribution in estuaries. | 2008-2013 |
Patrick Dowey | Prediction of clay minerals and grain-coatings in sandstone reservoirs utilising ancient examples and modern analogue studies. | 2008-2013 |
Claire Mellett | Drowned landscapes of the eastern English Channel: records of Quaternary environmental change. | 2008-2012 |
John Cummings | Assessing the response of deep-marine macrofauna to the early Palaeogene hyperthermal events: An integrated ichnological, geochemical and stratigraphical approach in the Basque Basin, northern Spain. | 2007-2011 |
Ehsan Daneshvar | Empirical and Experimental Assessment of Environmental Controls on Sediment Mineralogy and Fabric Induced by Animals in Estuaries and Intertidal Areas. | 2006-2010 |
Rory O’Hara Murray | Suspended sand concentrations and bedform evolution under irregular waves. | 2006-2010 |
Rhodri Jerrett | Coal seams as high-resolution records of accommodation change in terrestrial environments. | 2006-2010 |
Amandine Prélat | Evolution, architecture and hierarchy of distributary deep-water deposits: a high-resolution outcrop investigation of submarine lobe deposits from the Permian Karoo Basin South Africa. | 2006-2010 |
Jorge Figueiredo | Stratigraphic prediction in mud-prone deepwater systems. | 2005-2009 |
Willem van der Merwe | Basin margin failure processes during the initiation of a deepwater system; the Vischkuil Formation, Laingsburg Depocentre, SW Karoo Basin, South Africa. | 2005-2009 |
Carlos Oliveira | Soft sediment deformation processes and products in shelf to base of slope settings. | 2004-2008 |
Richard Wild | Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic evolution of a Permian lower slope to shelf succession, Tanqua depocentre, SW Karoo Basin, South Africa. | 2002-2005 |