Andy Nowacki

Andy Nowacki

University of Leeds


Peer-reviewed papers

  1. Bolin Li, Sjoerd de Ridder and Andy Nowacki, 2025. Clustering distributed acoustic sensing signals via curvelet transform and unsupervised deep learning. JGR Machine Learning and Computation, submitted.
  2. J. Huw Davies, ..., 2025. How to assess similarities and differences between mantle circulation models and Earth using disparate independent observations. Proc Roy Soc A, in review.
  3. James Ward, Andrew M. Walker, Andy Nowacki, James Panton and Huw Davies, 2024. The sensitivity of lowermost mantle anisotropy to past mantle convection. Phys Earth Planet Inter, 356, 107264. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2024.107264 PDF Supporting information
  4. Andy Nowacki, James Panton, Jamie Ward, Bob Myhill, Andrew Walker, James Wookey, and J. Huw Davies, 2024. terratools: A Python package to analyse TERRA mantle convection simulations. Journal of Open Source Software, in review.
  5. Andreas Wuestefeld, and 49 authors including Andy Nowacki, 2023. The Global DAS Month of February 2023. Seismol Res Lett, 95, 1569–1577. doi:10.1785/0220230180 PDF
  6. James Ward, Mike Thorne, Andy Nowacki and Sebastian Rost, 2023. Upper mantle structure beneath the contiguous US resolved with array observations of SKS multipathing and slowness vector perturbations. Geophys Res Lett, 128, e2022JB026260. doi:10.1029/2022JB026260 PDF Supporting text Seismic networks used
  7. Adam D. Booth, Poul Christoffersen, Andrew Pretorius, Joseph Chapman, Bryn Hubbard, Emma C. Smith, Sjoerd de Ridder, Andy Nowacki, Bradley Paul Lipovsky, Marine Denolle, 2023 Characterising sediment thickness beneath a Greenlandic outlet glacier: Preliminary observations and progress towards an efficient machine learning approach. Annals of Glaciology, 63, 79–82. doi: PDF
  8. Sebastian Rost, Daniel A. Frost, Andy Nowacki and Laura Cobden, 2023. Wavefield distortion imaging of Earth’s deep mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 604, 118011. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118011 PDF Supporting information
  9. Emmanouil Parastatidis, Mark W. Hildyard and Andy Nowacki, 2021. Simplified seismic modelling of fractured rock: how effective is the localised effective medium compared to explicit representation of individual fractures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54, 5465–5481. doi:10.1007/s00603-021-02601-0 PDF Online-only reader link
  10. Itahisa González Álvarez, Sebstian Rost, Andy Nowacki and Neil Selby, 2021. Small-scale lithospheric heterogeneity characterization using Bayesian inference and energy flux models. Geophys. J. Int., 227, 1682–1699. doi:10.1093/gji/ggab291 PDF
  11. Andy Nowacki and Sanne Cottaar, 2021. Towards imaging flow at the base of the mantle with seismic, mineral physics and geodynamic constraints. In Maxim Ballmer, Sanne Cottaar, Jasper Konter, Hauke Marquardt, Eds., Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions, Geophysical Monograph, Wiley, pp. 329–352, doi:10.1002/9781119528609.ch13 PDF
  12. Corinna Roy, Andy Nowacki, Xin Zhang, Andrew Curtis and Brian Baptie, 2021. Accounting for natural uncertainty within monitoring systems for induced seismicity based on earthquake magnitudes. Front. Earth. Sci., 9:634688. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.634688 PDF
  13. Jamie Ward, Mike Thorne, Andy Nowacki and Sebastian Rost, 2021. Automatic slowness vector measurements of seismic arrivals with uncertainty estimates using bootstrap sampling, array methods and unsupervised learning. Geophys. J. Int., 226, 1847–1857. doi:10.1093/gji/ggab196 PDF
  14. Matt Wilks, J.-Michael Kendall, Nick Rawlinson, Andy Nowacki, Juliet Biggs, Atalay Ayele and James Wookey, 2020. The coupled magmatic and hydrothermal systems of the restless Aluto caldera, Ethiopia. Front. Earth. Sci.—Volcanology, 8, 579699, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.579699.
  15. Jamie Ward, Andy Nowacki and Sebastian Rost, 2020. Lateral velocity gradients in the African lower mantle inferred from slowness-space observations of multipathing. Geochem Geophys Geosyst, 21, e2020GC009025, doi:10.1029/2020GC009025. Preprint, PDF
  16. Sacha Lapins, J.-Michael Kendall, Atalay Ayele, Matt Wilks, Andy Nowacki and Kathy Cashman, 2020. Lower crustal seismicity on the eastern border faults of the Main Ethiopian Rift. J Geophys Res, 125, e2020JB020030, doi:10.1029/2020JB020030. PDF
  17. Xin Zhang, Corinna Roy, Andrew Curtis, Andy Nowacki and Brian Baptie, 2020. Imaging the subsurface using induced seismicity and ambient noise: 3D Tomographic Monte Carlo joint inversion of earthquake body wave travel times and surface wave dispersion. Geophys J Int, 222, 1639–1655, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa230. PDF
  18. Andy Nowacki, 2020. SeisModels.jl: A Julia package for models of the Earth's interior. Journal of Open Source Software, 5, 2043, doi:10.21105/joss.02043. GitHub
  19. Peidong Shi, Andy Nowacki, Sebastian Rost and Doug Angus, 2019. Automated seismic waveform location using Multichannel Coherency Migration (MCM)—II. Application to induced and volcano-tectonic seismicity. Geophys J Int, 216, 1608–1632, doi:10.1093/gji/ggy507. PDF Code
  20. Peidong Shi, Doug Angus, Sebastian Rost, Andy Nowacki and Sanyi Yuan, 2019. Automated seismic waveform location using Multichannel Coherency Migration (MCM)—I. Theory. Geophys J Int, 216, 1842—1866, doi:10.1093/gji/ggy132. PDF
  21. Andy Nowacki, Matthew Wilks, J-Michael Kendall, Juliet Biggs and Atalay Ayele, 2018. Characterising hydrothermal fluid pathways beneath Aluto volcano, Main Ethiopian Rift, using shear wave splitting. J Volcanol Geoth Res. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.03.023. PDF Raw results
  22. Peidong Shi, Doug Angus, Andy Nowacki, Sanyi Yuan, Yanyan Wang, 2018. Microseismic full waveform modeling in anisotropic media with moment tensor implementation. Surv Geophys. doi:10.1007/s10712-018-9466-2 PDF
  23. Ryan Lloyd, Juliet Biggs, Matt Wilks, Andy Nowacki, J-Michael Kendall, Atalay Ayele, Elias Lewi and Hjálmar Eysteinsson, 2018. Deformation patterns reveal structural controls on magmatic and hydrothermal processes at a continental rift caldera: Corbetti Caldera, Ethiopia. Earth Planet Sci Lett, 487, 190–200. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.01.037 PDF Supporting information Raw shear-wave splitting results
  24. Andrew M. Walker, David P Dobson, James Wookey, Andy Nowacki and Alessandro M Forte, 2017. The anisotropic signal of topotaxy during phase transitions in D″. Phys Earth Planet Int, 276, 159–171. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2017.05.013 PDF
  25. Matthew Wilks, J-Michael Kendall, Andy Nowacki, Juliet Biggs, James Wookey, Yelebe Birhanu, Atalay Ayele & Tulu Bedada, 2017. Seismicity associated with magmatism, faulting and hydrothermal circulation at Aluto Volcano, Main Ethiopian Rift. J Volcanol Geoth Res, 340, 52–67. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.04.003 PDF
  26. Andy Nowacki and James Wookey, 2016. The limits of ray theory when measuring shear wave splitting in the lowermost mantle with ScS waves. Geophys J Int, 207, 1573–1583. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw358 PDF
  27. Andy Nowacki, J-Michael Kendall, James Wookey and Asher Pemberton, 2015. Mid-mantle anisotropy in subduction zones and deep water transport. Geochem Geophys Geosyst, 16, 764–784. doi:10.1002/2014GC005667 PDF Supporting table 2
  28. Andy Nowacki, Andrew Walker, James Wookey and J-Michael Kendall, 2013. Evaluating post-perovskite as a cause of D″ anisotropy in regions of palaeosubduction. Geophys J Int, 192, 1085–1090. doi:10.1093/gji/ggs068 PDF Supporting information
  29. Andy Nowacki, J-Michael Kendall and James Wookey, 2012. Mantle anisotropy beneath the Earth’s mid-ocean ridges. Earth Planet Sci Lett, 317–318, 56–67. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.11.044 PDF Supplementary information
  30. Walker, A, A.M. Forte, J. Wookey, A. Nowacki and J.-M. Kendall, 2011. Elastic anisotropy of D″ predicted from global models of mantle flow. Geochem Geophys Geosyst, 12, Q10006. doi:10.1029/2011GC003732 PDF
  31. Andy Nowacki, James Wookey and J-Michael Kendall, 2011. New advances in using seismic anisotropy, mineral physics and geodynamics to understand deformation in the lowermost mantle. J Geod, 52, 205–228. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2011.04.003 PDF
  32. Andy Nowacki, James Wookey and J-Michael Kendall, 2010. Deformation of the lowermost mantle from seismic anisotropy. Nature, 467, 1091–1094. doi:10.1038/nature09507 PDF Supplementary information

Expanded abstracts

  1. Hannah Jukes, Nick Shaw, Emma Bramham, Andy Nowacki and Grimur Björnsson, 2021. Pre-drilling structural and heat source models, and resource capacity estimates for the Corbetti geothermal reservoir, Ethiopia. Proceedings, World Geothermal Congress 2020+1, Reykjavík, Iceland, October 2021. PDF
  2. Corinna Roy, Andy Nowacki, Xin Zhang, Andrew Curtis, and Brian Bapie, 2020. Realistic microearthquake magnitudes and locations from surface monitoring of hydrofacturing at Preston New Road, UK. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Virtual, pp. 1314–1318. doi:10.1190/segam2020-3427552.1


  1. Andy Nowacki. Plate deformation from cradle to grave: Seismic anisotropy and deformation at mid-ocean ridges and in the lowermost mantle, 2013, Springer Theses. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34842-6, ISBN 978-3-642-34841-9 (print), 978-3-642-34842-6 (online). Download version chapters purchased over 2,000 times.

Invited presentations

  1. Goldfish or elephant: How long does the mantle remember? Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics seminar, University of Leeds, 28 November 2024.
  2. Seismic anisotropy in the vicinity of slabs in the transition zone. Workshop: Intermediate and Deep Earthquakes: Observation and Modeling, Collège de France, Paris, 19–20 November 2018.
  3. A low-velocity pipe-like structure at the base of the mantle beneath Hawaii inferred from focussing of seismic waves. British Seismology Meeting, Reading, 5–7 April 2017. PDF
  4. ‘Sharp sides’ in mantle convection: seismic multipathing in thermal and thermochemical models. Workshop: Flow in the deep Earth, College de France, Paris, 1–2 December 2016.
  5. “Sharp sides” to the the LLSVPs: multipathing in models of mantle convection. 2016 China-UK Workshop on Deep Volatiles, Mineral Deposits and Geodynamics, Nanjing, 9–15 September 2016.
  6. Transition zone anisotropy around slabs: Evidence for the deep subduction of water. Global Geophysics seminar, Department of Earth Sciences, UCL, 17 March 2016.
  7. How much water is subducted into the lower mantle? Evidence from transition zone anisotropy. Bullard Colloquium, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, 9 March 2016.
  8. The feasibility of inverting for flow in the lowermost mantle. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12 December 2013.
  9. The seismic detectability of melt channels beneath fast- and slow-spreading ridges. FoaLab group meeting, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, 14 June 2013.
  10. Andy Nowacki, Andrew M. Walker, James Wookey, Jack Walpole, Guy Masters and J.-Michael Kendall. Linking seismology, mineralogy and geodynamics with seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 9 April 2013. Abstract
  11. Melt and mid-ocean ridges: What seismic anisotropy can tell us. National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton, 29 May 2012.
  12. Large scale parallelised wave propagation models in Earth Sciences. IoP Tutorial Day: Numerical Modelling in Physical Acoustics, Institute of Physics, London, 20 September 2012.

Recorded presentations