













Minerals on Stamps


Recent proposals have included :


Frequency-dependent electro-kinetic measurements during rock and soil deformation: Essential equipment. NSERC/CRSNG Research Tools and Instruments Grant - Category 1, 2011-2012. ($167,365)

Fluid flowing through rocks and soils cause an electrical potential to be developed in the opposite direction. This is an electro-kinetic process which may, in future, be extremely useful. The main reason for this is that we can measure the electrical potential within the Earth`s crust from the surface. If we know how the electro-kinetic mechanism works, it should be possible to monitor the flow of fluids deep down. Between 1997 and 2003 a complete steady-state theory of electrical conduction in rocks and soils was developed by Paul Glover (the applicant) and others. Since then the applicant`s research group has made major progress in developing theories that include the microstructural properties of the rocks and soils, and the effect of frequency, and they have constructed devices for measuring both steady-state and frequency-dependent streaming potentials, which is the name given to the induced electrical potentials. The group has applied these advances to fluid flow in volcanoes, geothermal, water and hydrocarbon reservoirs, earthquake mechanisms, rock permeability, transformations between grain diameter and pore radii, and seismoelectric exploration. It is clear that many more applications exist such as shale gas development, some of which are well outside the geosciences, in civil engineering, environmental egineering and even biology and food science. One of these devices that the group has constructed was tested with a borrowed electro-magnetic shaker. One of the purposes of this grant application is to allow us to purchase this instrument so that our measurements can take place efficiently. Another objective of this application is to allow us to construct an apparatus to measure the electro-kinetic phenomenon while a rock is being deformed, which we believe will reveal the details of the mechanisms that cause earthquakes and other sub-surface flows. A third objective is to obtain funds to create a high quality numerical modelling capability so that we may model these electro-kinetic processes in 3D.

Determination of reservoir rock properties using electro-kinetic methods (pending). American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, 2011-2013 ($60,000, pending).

Delineation and monitoring the in situ (bio)remediation of soil impacted by recalcitrant petroleum hydrocarbons using impedance spectroscopy and electrokinetic measurements (pending). Imperial Oil, 2012-2014 ($50,000, pending).


Electro-kinetic measurements as a function of frequency and rock deformation: theory, experiment, modelling and applications. NSERC/CRSNG Discovery Grant, 2011-2016. ($386,477)

Fluid flowing through rocks and soils cause an electrical potential to be developed in the opposite direction. This is an electro-kinetic process which may, in future, be extremely useful. The main reason for this is that we can measure the electrical potential within the Earth`s crust from the surface. If we know how the electro-kinetic mechanism works, it should be possible to monitor the flow of fluids deep down. Between 1997 and 2003 a complete steady-state theory of electrical conduction in rocks and soils was developed by Paul Glover (the applicant) and others. Since then the applicant`s research group has made major progress in developing theories that include the microstructural properties of the rocks and soils, and the effect of frequency, and they have constructed devices for measuring both steady-state and frequency-dependent streaming potentials, which is the name given to the induced electrical potentials. The group has applied these advances to fluid flow in volcanoes, geothermal, water and hydrocarbon reservoirs, earthquake mechanisms, rock permeability, transformations between grain diameter and pore radii, and seismoelectric exploration. It is clear that many more applications exist including minitoring of shale gas extraction,and some which are well outside the geosciences, in civil engineering, environmental egineering and even biology and food science. This grant will enable us to (i) make a large number of laboratory measurements of electrokinetic properties for different rocks, sands, soils which are saturated with fluids of different chemistry, salinity and pH, (ii) to make measurements as a function of frequency and grain size, (iii) to make measurements while the rock is being deformed, (iv) to develop theoretical models and test them with the data, (v) to use the data and theory to model and solve problems involving volcanoes, earthquakes, radon gas, permafrost melting, oil, gas and water reservoirs and seismo-electric exploration.

Frequency-dependent electro-kinetic measurements during rock and soil deformation: Essential equipment. NSERC/CRSNG Research Tools and Instruments Grant - Category 1, 2011-2012. ($159,995)

Fluid flowing through rocks and soils cause an electrical potential to be developed in the opposite direction. This is an electro-kinetic process which may, in future, be extremely useful. The main reason for this is that we can measure the electrical potential within the Earth`s crust from the surface. If we know how the electro-kinetic mechanism works, it should be possible to monitor the flow of fluids deep down. Between 1997 and 2003 a complete steady-state theory of electrical conduction in rocks and soils was developed by Paul Glover (the applicant) and others. Since then the applicant`s research group has made major progress in developing theories that include the microstructural properties of the rocks and soils, and the effect of frequency, and they have constructed devices for measuring both steady-state and frequency-dependent streaming potentials, which is the name given to the induced electrical potentials. The group has applied these advances to fluid flow in volcanoes, geothermal, water and hydrocarbon reservoirs, earthquake mechanisms, rock permeability, transformations between grain diameter and pore radii, and seismoelectric exploration. It is clear that many more applications exist such as shale gas development, some of which are well outside the geosciences, in civil engineering, environmental egineering and even biology and food science. One of these devices that the group has constructed was tested with a borrowed electro-magnetic shaker. One of the purposes of this grant application is to allow us to purchase this instrument so that our measurements can take place efficiently. Another objective of this application is to allow us to construct an apparatus to measure the electro-kinetic phenomenon while a rock is being deformed, which we believe will reveal the details of the mechanisms that cause earthquakes and other sub-surface flows. A third objective is to obtain funds to create a high quality numerical modelling capability so that we may model these electro-kinetic processes in 3D.


The measurement of internal and external radon-mediated radiation exposure in Gatineau Park, its correlation with the local geology and its variation with time. Research proposal submitted to the Management Committee of Gatineau Park, ON, Canada, 2009-2010.

Radon (Rn) is a naturally occurring radioactive gas which accounts for 9% of lung cancer deaths in Europe and 12% in the USA and is considered to be the most serious environmental carcinogen by the EPA. Radon leaches into buildings from soil derived from rocks containing significant concentrations of U238. Gatineau Park occurs on syenite, crystalline marble and striated gneiss, two of which contain significant amounts of Uranium and Thorium. We propose that passive and active radon detectors are used to monitor the long term Rn levels in Gatineau Park in (i) public access buildings, (ii) park offices, and (iii) at strategic external sites. While long term health risks are unlikely to be significant for park visitors, park officials may be at risk if Rn levels are found to be raised indoors. The study will be designed to reveal (a) if the Park has an elevated Rn level, (b) which locations are affected, (c) the relationship of Rn levels to the local geology and tectonics, and (d) long term variations in the Rn levels. None of the proposed measurements represent a health risk to humans or wildlife. We propose to measure Rn using passive and active detectors. Passive detectors are squares of plastic that record the occurrence of radiation from radon and are extremely simple to use. They record a total Rn dose for a period of 1 yr. and then are read using etching and counting techniques in the laboratory.

We propose the distribution of 80 detectors throughout the Park, arranged on lines that cross the local geology, away from public access, and locked in place such that they are not disturbed. We also propose the distribution of a further 20 detectors in public access buildings and park offices. All detectors will be clearly tagged and located by GPS. Active detectors are small devices similar to fire alarms with a display. We propose to distribute a small number of these devices (up to 10) in public access buildings and park offices. The local staff can make and log Rn readings simply by reading the display once a week. This will provide useful data on the variation of indoor Rn with time. All data will be analysed with regard to the current best geological and tectonic information.

Considering that the most common rocks throughout the area are syenite and striated gneiss, it is expected that the Radon levels in the Park could be elevated. Since the other dominant rock type in the area is crystalline marble (which is low in Uranium, and hence provides a good contrast) the Park represents an ideal location for such a study. Any correlation between Rn values and the underlying rock types or the presence of faults would be a significant academic finding. Although elevated values of radon outdoors are harmless, they are always associated with raised levels indoors, and these could be a problem if its occupiers are exposed throughout the year. We will be able to recognise those buildings that have elevated Rn levels and to correlate them to the external measurements. Lastly, it is expected that the Rn levels will vary diurnally, monthly and annually as a result of changing temperatures, freezing etc. We even expect a long-term increase in Rn resulting from global climate change. The active detector readings will provide long-term data on the variation in Rn levels.

Determination of reservoir rock properties using AC electrokinetic-acoustics. American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, 2009-2011.

Delineation and monitoring the in situ (bio)remediation of soil impacted by recalcitrant petroleum hydrocarbons using impedance spectroscopy and electrokinetic measurements. Imperial Oil, 2009-2010.


Unification of fluid flow and electrical conduction in rocks and soils. NSERC/CRSNG Discovery Grant, 2006-2010.

Porous and fractured rocks and soils not only store fluids but also allow their movement through the earth. Consequently the study of fluid flow in rocks and soils is highly important to (i) provision of safe and plentiful water resources, (ii) production of oil and gas, and (iii) safe disposal of domestic, industrial and nuclear waste. Fluid flow and electrical flow are linked at a fundamental level by electro-kinetic phenomena, where fluid flow through a rock causes an electrical current to flow or vice versa. These phenomena are important because electrical signals measured before major earthquakes and around volcanoes are linked to fluid flow by electro-kinetic mechanisms. Accurate description of the mechanisms would enable us to improve the prediction of both earthquakes and volcanoes. The link may also allow fluid flow in the deep earth to be mapped from electrical measurements, aid the development of new oil, gas and water borehole tools, and provide methods for cleaning contaminated soils. There are two major problems. The first is the lack of an AC theory linking fluid flow and electrical conduction through electro-kinetic processes. The second is the current lack of understanding of the major controlling influences on fluid and electrical flow through rocks and soils. This project aims at overcoming these two problems by two pathways of research. The first is to measure the electro-kinetic properties of rocks in the laboratory and to develop a full AC theory for it. The second is to measure the electro-kinetic fluxes of fractured and porous rocks and to understand the microstructural parameters that control these flows. Each pathway will include experimental measurements, computer modelling and the development of fundamental theory providing tools that should allow us a previously nparalleled insight into the processes involving electrical and fluid flow in any porous medium. The results of these two pathways will be combined and applied to data existing from earthquakes (e.g., Parkfield), volcanoes (e.g., Piton la Fournaise) and underground reservoirs. While in the UK, the applicant led a group developing these new approaches, and has developed an experimental facility for such research at Université Laval.

The measurement and application of electro-kinetic measurements in hydrocarbon-bearing rock fractures. NSERC/CRSNG Research Tools and Instruments Grant - Category 1, 2006-2008.

Porous and fractured rocks and soils not only store fluids but also allow their movement through the earth. Consequently the study of fluid flow in rocks and soils is highly important to (i) provision of safe and plentiful water resources, (ii) production of oil and gas, and (iii) safe disposal of domestic, industrial and nuclear waste. Fluid flow and electrical flow are linked at a fundamental level by electro-kinetic phenomena, where fluid flow through a rock causes an electrical current to flow or vice versa. These phenomena are important because electrical signals measured before major earthquakes and around volcanoes are linked to fluid flow by electro-kinetic mechanisms. Accurate description of the mechanisms would enable us to improve the prediction of both earthquakes and volcanoes. The link may also allow fluid flow in the deep earth to be mapped from electrical measurements, aid the development of new oil, gas and water borehole tools, and provide methods for cleaning contaminated soils. There are two major problems. The first is the lack of an AC theory linking fluid flow and electrical conduction through electro-kinetic processes. The second is the current lack of understanding of the major controlling influences on fluid and electrical flow through rocks and soils. This project aims at overcoming these two problems by providing equipment to allow two pathways of research. The first is to measure the electro-kinetic properties of rocks in the laboratory and to develop a full AC theory for it. The second is to measure the electro-kinetic fluxes of fractured and porous rocks and to understand the microstructural parameters that control these flows. Each pathway will include experimental measurements, computer modelling and the development of fundamental theory providing tools that should allow us a previously unparalleled insight into the processes involving electrical and fluid flow in any porous medium. The results of these two pathways will be combined and applied to data existing from earthquakes (e.g., Parkfield), volcanoes (e.g., Piton la Fournaise) and underground reservoirs.



© Copyright, Paul Glover 2008, 2010, 2011: Last updated 14/10/2011