20 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION),
allocatable ::
40 type(model_state_type),
intent(inout) :: current_state
42 allocate(
43 cfl_is_enabled=is_component_enabled(current_state%options_database,
51 type(model_state_type),
intent(inout) :: current_state
59 type(model_state_type),
intent(inout) :: current_state
64 if (mod(current_state%timestep, current_state%cfl_frequency) == 1 .or. &
65 current_state%timestep-current_state%start_timestep .le. current_state%cfl_frequency)
then 73 if (.not. current_state%halo_column)
then 81 do iq=1,current_state%number_q_fields
82 if (current_state%first_timestep_column)
then 83 resetq_min(iq)=minval(current_state%zq(iq)%data(:,current_state%column_local_y, current_state%column_local_x))
86 minval(current_state%zq(iq)%data(:,current_state%column_local_y, current_state%column_local_x)))
89 current_state%column_local_x-2, current_state%column_local_y-1, current_state%zq(iq), current_state%local_grid)
98 type(model_state_type),
intent(inout) :: current_state
100 integer :: x_prev, y_prev, i, k
101 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: c1, c2
103 x_prev = current_state%column_local_x-2
104 y_prev = current_state%column_local_y-1
106 c1 = 1.0_default_precision - 2.0_default_precision*current_state%tsmth
107 c2 = current_state%tsmth
110 call step_single_field(current_state%column_local_x, current_state%column_local_y, &
111 x_prev, y_prev, current_state%u, current_state%zu, current_state%su, current_state%local_grid, .true., &
112 current_state%field_stepping, current_state%dtm, current_state%ugal, c1, c2, .false., current_state%savu)
115 call step_single_field(current_state%column_local_x, current_state%column_local_y, &
116 x_prev, y_prev, current_state%v, current_state%zv, current_state%sv, current_state%local_grid, .true., &
117 current_state%field_stepping, current_state%dtm, current_state%vgal, c1, c2, .false., current_state%savv)
120 call step_single_field(current_state%column_local_x, current_state%column_local_y, &
121 x_prev, y_prev, current_state%w, current_state%zw, current_state%sw, current_state%local_grid, .false., &
122 current_state%field_stepping, current_state%dtm,
real(0., kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION), c1, c2, .false., current_state%savw)
124 if (current_state%th%active)
then 125 call step_single_field(current_state%column_local_x, current_state%column_local_y, &
126 x_prev, y_prev, current_state%th, current_state%zth, current_state%sth, current_state%local_grid, .false., &
127 current_state%field_stepping, current_state%dtm,
real(0., kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION), c1, c2, &
128 current_state%field_stepping == centred_stepping)
130 do i=1,current_state%number_q_fields
131 if (current_state%q(i)%active)
then 132 call step_single_field(current_state%column_local_x, current_state%column_local_y, x_prev, y_prev, &
133 current_state%q(i), current_state%zq(i), current_state%sq(i), current_state%local_grid, .false., &
134 current_state%field_stepping, current_state%dtm,
real(0., kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION), c1, c2, &
135 current_state%field_stepping == centred_stepping)
146 type(model_state_type),
intent(inout) :: current_state
147 integer,
intent(in) :: local_x, local_y
151 do k=2, current_state%local_grid%local_domain_end_index(z_index)
153 current_state%local_zumax = max(current_state%local_zumax, current_state%zu%data(k,local_y,local_x))
154 current_state%local_zumin = min(current_state%local_zumin, current_state%zu%data(k,local_y,local_x))
157 current_state%local_zvmax = max(current_state%local_zvmax, current_state%zv%data(k,local_y,local_x))
158 current_state%local_zvmin = min(current_state%local_zvmin, current_state%zv%data(k,local_y,local_x))
161 if (k .lt. current_state%local_grid%local_domain_end_index(z_index))
then 162 current_state%abswmax(k) = max(current_state%abswmax(k), abs(current_state%zw%data(k,local_y,local_x)))
171 type(model_state_type),
target :: current_state
174 current_state%local_zumin=rlargep
175 current_state%local_zumax=-rlargep
176 current_state%local_zvmin=rlargep
177 current_state%local_zvmax=-rlargep
178 current_state%abswmax=-rlargep
190 integer,
intent(in) :: x_local_index, y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev
191 type(local_grid_type),
intent(inout) :: local_grid
192 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: field
194 if (x_prev .ge. local_grid%local_domain_start_index(x_index))
then 197 if (x_local_index == local_grid%local_domain_end_index(x_index))
then 198 if (x_local_index .gt. 1)
then 213 integer,
intent(in) :: y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev
214 type(local_grid_type),
intent(inout) :: local_grid
215 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: field
217 if (y_prev .ge. local_grid%local_domain_start_index(y_index))
then 218 where (field%data(:, y_prev, x_prev) < 0.0_default_precision)
219 field%data(:, y_prev, x_prev)=0.0_default_precision
222 if (y_local_index == local_grid%local_domain_end_index(y_index))
then 223 where (field%data(:, y_local_index, x_prev) < 0.0_default_precision)
224 field%data(:, y_local_index, x_prev)=0.0_default_precision
246 subroutine step_single_field(x_local_index, y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid,&
247 flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
248 integer,
intent(in) :: x_local_index, y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, direction
249 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION),
intent(in) :: dtm, gal
250 logical,
intent(in) :: flow_field, do_timesmoothing
251 type(local_grid_type),
intent(inout) :: local_grid
252 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: field, zfield, sfield
253 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION),
intent(in) :: c1, c2
254 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: sav
256 if (x_prev .ge. local_grid%local_domain_start_index(x_index))
then 257 if (
then 259 flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
262 flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing)
266 if (x_local_index == local_grid%local_domain_end_index(x_index))
then 268 if (x_local_index .gt. 1)
then 269 if (
then 270 call step_column_in_slice(y_local_index, x_local_index-1, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, &
271 flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
273 call step_column_in_slice(y_local_index, x_local_index-1, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, &
274 flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing)
277 if (
then 278 call step_column_in_slice(y_local_index, x_local_index, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, &
279 flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
281 call step_column_in_slice(y_local_index, x_local_index, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, &
282 flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing)
296 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: field, zfield
297 type(local_grid_type),
intent(inout) :: local_grid
298 integer,
intent(in) :: x_index, y_index
299 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION),
intent(in) :: c1, c2
303 do k=1,local_grid%size(z_index)
304 field%data(k, y_index, x_index)=c1*field%data(k, y_index, x_index)+c2*zfield%data(k, y_index, x_index)
326 subroutine step_column_in_slice(y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid,&
327 flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
328 integer,
intent(in) :: y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, direction
329 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION),
intent(in) :: dtm, gal
330 logical,
intent(in) :: flow_field, do_timesmoothing
331 type(local_grid_type),
intent(inout) :: local_grid
332 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: field, zfield, sfield
333 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION),
intent(in) :: c1, c2
334 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: sav
336 if (y_prev .ge. local_grid%local_domain_start_index(y_index))
then 337 if (do_timesmoothing)
then 340 if (
then 341 call step_field(x_prev, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, sav)
343 call step_field(x_prev, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal)
347 if (y_local_index == local_grid%local_domain_end_index(y_index))
then 348 if (do_timesmoothing)
then 351 if (
then 352 call step_field(x_prev, y_local_index, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, sav)
354 call step_field(x_prev, y_local_index, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal)
370 subroutine step_field(x_local_index, y_local_index, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, sav)
371 integer,
intent(in) :: x_local_index, y_local_index, direction
372 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION),
intent(in) :: dtm, gal
373 logical,
intent(in) :: flow_field
374 type(local_grid_type),
intent(inout) :: local_grid
375 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: field, zfield, sfield
376 type(prognostic_field_type),
intent(inout) :: sav
379 real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: actual_gal, dtm_x2
381 dtm_x2 = 2.0_default_precision * dtm
383 actual_gal = merge(gal,
real(0.0_DEFAULT_PRECISION, kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION), flow_field)
385 sfield%data(1,y_local_index, x_local_index)=0.0_default_precision
387 do k=1,local_grid%size(z_index)
389 if (
present(sav) .and. direction .eq. centred_stepping) &
390 sav%data(k,y_local_index, x_local_index) = zfield%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index) + actual_gal
391 if (flow_field) field%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index) = actual_gal + field%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index)
392 if (direction == forward_stepping)
then 393 zfield%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index) = field%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index) + dtm * &
394 sfield%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index)
396 zfield%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index) = actual_gal+zfield%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index)+dtm_x2*&
397 sfield%data(k, y_local_index, x_local_index)
subroutine step_single_field(x_local_index, y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
Steps a single specific field. This will step on the yth column of the x-2 slice and x-1 and x if thi...
subroutine step_column_in_slice(y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
Will step a column in a specific slice. If y_prev is large enough then will step the y-1 column and i...
subroutine remove_negative_rounding_errors_in_slice(y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, local_grid)
Removes the negative rounding errors from a slice of a single field. This works two columns behind an...
subroutine determine_local_flow_minmax(current_state, local_y, local_x)
Determines the minimum and maximum values for the local flow field. These are before the stepping...
real(kind=default_precision), public rlargep
integer, parameter, public forward_stepping
real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:), allocatable resetq_min
Contains prognostic field definitions and functions.
A prognostic field which is assumed to be 3D.
logical l_nonconservative_positive_q
integer, parameter, public default_precision
MPI communication type which we use for the prognostic and calculation data.
integer, parameter, public z_index
Grid index parameters.
subroutine perform_timesmooth_for_field(field, zfield, local_grid, x_index, y_index, c1, c2)
Performs initial timesmoothing for a theta or Q field using Robert filter. This is finished off in sw...
Contains common definitions for the data and datatypes used by MONC.
The ModelState which represents the current state of a run.
integer, parameter, public centred_stepping
Stepping parameter values which determine centred or forward stepping.
logical function, public is_component_enabled(options_database, component_name)
Determines whether or not a specific component is registered and enabled.
Description of a component.
type(component_descriptor_type) function, public stepfields_get_descriptor()
Provides the descriptor back to the caller and is used in component registration. ...
Scientific constant values used throughout simulations. Each has a default value and this can be over...
Interfaces and types that MONC components must specify.
Defined the local grid, i.e. the grid held on this process after decomposition.
subroutine step_field(x_local_index, y_local_index, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, sav)
Will do the actual field stepping.
subroutine reset_local_minmax_values(current_state)
Resets the local min and max values for the flow fields.
subroutine timestep_callback(current_state)
Called at each timestep and will perform swapping and smoothing as required.
logical determine_flow_minmax
subroutine initialisation_callback(current_state)
Initialisation callback.
subroutine remove_negative_rounding_errors_for_single_field(x_local_index, y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, local_grid)
Removes the negative rounding errors from a specific single field. This works two columns behind and ...
Functionality to support the different types of grid and abstraction between global grids and local o...
subroutine finalisation_callback(current_state)
Finalisation callback.
Does the field stepping Stepping is called at the end of processing a column and steps the x-2 column...
The model state which represents the current state of a run.
integer, parameter, public y_index
subroutine step_all_fields(current_state)
Steps all fields.
integer, parameter, public x_index