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stepfields.F90 File Reference

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module  stepfields_mod
 Does the field stepping Stepping is called at the end of processing a column and steps the x-2 column.


type(component_descriptor_type) function, public stepfields_mod::stepfields_get_descriptor ()
 Provides the descriptor back to the caller and is used in component registration. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::initialisation_callback (current_state)
 Initialisation callback. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::finalisation_callback (current_state)
 Finalisation callback. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::timestep_callback (current_state)
 Called at each timestep and will perform swapping and smoothing as required. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::step_all_fields (current_state)
 Steps all fields. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::determine_local_flow_minmax (current_state, local_y, local_x)
 Determines the minimum and maximum values for the local flow field. These are before the stepping, and are all reduced later on in the cfl test. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::reset_local_minmax_values (current_state)
 Resets the local min and max values for the flow fields. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::remove_negative_rounding_errors_for_single_field (x_local_index, y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, local_grid)
 Removes the negative rounding errors from a specific single field. This works two columns behind and then catches up on the last column. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::remove_negative_rounding_errors_in_slice (y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, local_grid)
 Removes the negative rounding errors from a slice of a single field. This works two columns behind and then catches up on the last column. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::step_single_field (x_local_index, y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
 Steps a single specific field. This will step on the yth column of the x-2 slice and x-1 and x if this is the last slice. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::perform_timesmooth_for_field (field, zfield, local_grid, x_index, y_index, c1, c2)
 Performs initial timesmoothing for a theta or Q field using Robert filter. This is finished off in swapsmooth. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::step_column_in_slice (y_local_index, x_prev, y_prev, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, c1, c2, do_timesmoothing, sav)
 Will step a column in a specific slice. If y_prev is large enough then will step the y-1 column and if this is the last column of the slice then will also step the current column. More...
subroutine stepfields_mod::step_field (x_local_index, y_local_index, field, zfield, sfield, local_grid, flow_field, direction, dtm, gal, sav)
 Will do the actual field stepping. More...


logical stepfields_mod::determine_flow_minmax =.false.
logical stepfields_mod::cfl_is_enabled
real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:), allocatable stepfields_mod::resetq_min
logical stepfields_mod::l_nonconservative_positive_q =.true.