Go to the documentation of this file.
7  use grids_mod, only : z_index
14 implicit none
16 #ifndef TEST_MODE
17  private
18 #endif
20  ! Indices for vapour and cloud
21  integer :: iqv, iql
23  integer :: k_cloudmax ! max k index for height
24  real(kind=DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: max_height_cloud
27 contains
32  simplecloud_get_descriptor%name="simplecloud"
33  simplecloud_get_descriptor%version=0.1
36  end function simplecloud_get_descriptor
40  subroutine initialisation_callback(current_state)
41  type(model_state_type), target, intent(inout) :: current_state
43  integer :: k ! look counter
45  if (is_component_enabled(current_state%options_database, "casim")) then
46  call log_master_log(log_error, "Casim and Simplecloud are enabled, this does not work yet. Please disable one")
47  end if
49  iqv=get_q_index(standard_q_names%VAPOUR, 'simplecloud')
50  iql=get_q_index(standard_q_names%CLOUD_LIQUID_MASS, 'simplecloud')
52  ! set buoyancy coefficient (value for vapour should be set
53  ! elsewhere for a moist model
54  if (.not. allocated(current_state%cq))then
55  allocate(current_state%cq(current_state%number_q_fields))
56  current_state%cq=0.0_default_precision
57  end if
58  current_state%cq(iql) = -1.0
60  max_height_cloud=options_get_real(current_state%options_database, "max_height_cloud")
61  do k=2, current_state%local_grid%size(z_index)-1
62  if (current_state%global_grid%configuration%vertical%zn(k) > max_height_cloud) exit
63  end do
64  k_cloudmax=k-1
66  end subroutine initialisation_callback
71  subroutine timestep_callback(current_state)
72  type(model_state_type), target, intent(inout) :: current_state
74  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: TdegK ! Temperature in Kelvin
75  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: Pmb ! Pressure in mb
76  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: exner ! Exner pressure
77  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: one_over_exner ! Reciprocal of Exner pressure
78  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: qv,qc ! Shorthand for vapour and cloud mass mixing ratio
79  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: qs ! Saturation mixing ratio
80  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: dqsdT ! Rate of change of qs with temperature
81  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: qsatfac ! Multiplicative factor
82  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: dmass ! Mass transfer mixing ratio
84  integer :: k ! Loop counter
85  integer :: icol, jcol ! Shorthand column indices
87  real(DEFAULT_PRECISION) :: dtm ! Local timestep variable
89  if (current_state%halo_column) return
91  dtm = current_state%dtm*2.0
92  if (current_state%field_stepping == forward_stepping) dtm=current_state%dtm! Should this be revised to scalar_stepping
94  icol=current_state%column_local_x
95  jcol=current_state%column_local_y
97  do k=2,k_cloudmax
99  exner = current_state%global_grid%configuration%vertical%rprefrcp(k)
100  one_over_exner = current_state%global_grid%configuration%vertical%prefrcp(k)
101  pmb = (current_state%global_grid%configuration%vertical%prefn(k)/100.)
103  if (current_state%field_stepping == forward_stepping) then ! Should this be revised to scalar_stepping
104  qv = current_state%q(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm
105  qc = current_state%q(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm
106  tdegk = (current_state%th%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sth%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm &
107  + current_state%global_grid%configuration%vertical%thref(k))*exner
108  else
109  qv = current_state%zq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm
110  qc = current_state%zq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm
111  tdegk = (current_state%zth%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sth%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm &
112  + current_state%global_grid%configuration%vertical%thref(k))*exner
113  end if
114  ! Calculate the cloud/vapour increments
116  qs = qsaturation(tdegk, pmb)
118  if (qv > qs .or. qc >0.0)then
119  dqsdt = dqwsatdt(qs, tdegk)
121  qsatfac = 1.0/(1.0 + rlvap_over_cp*dqsdt)
123  dmass = max(-qc,(qv-qs)*qsatfac)/dtm
125  current_state%sq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol) = current_state%sq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol) - dmass
126  current_state%sq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol) = current_state%sq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol) + dmass
128  current_state%sth%data(k, jcol, icol) = current_state%sth%data(k, jcol, icol) &
129  + rlvap_over_cp*dmass*one_over_exner
131  end if
133  end do
135  ! If there's any cloud above then evaporate it
136  do k=k_cloudmax+1, current_state%local_grid%size(z_index)
137  if (current_state%scalar_stepping == forward_stepping) then
138  qv = current_state%q(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm
139  qc = current_state%q(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm
140  tdegk = (current_state%th%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sth%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm &
141  + current_state%global_grid%configuration%vertical%thref(k))*exner
142  else
143  qv = current_state%zq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm
144  qc = current_state%zq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm
145  tdegk = (current_state%zth%data(k, jcol, icol) + current_state%sth%data(k, jcol, icol)*dtm &
146  + current_state%global_grid%configuration%vertical%thref(k))*exner
147  end if
148  if (qc >0.0)then
149  dmass = -qc/dtm
151  current_state%sq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol) = current_state%sq(iqv)%data(k, jcol, icol) - dmass
152  current_state%sq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol) = current_state%sq(iql)%data(k, jcol, icol) + dmass
154  current_state%sth%data(k, jcol, icol) = current_state%sth%data(k, jcol, icol) &
155  + rlvap_over_cp*dmass*one_over_exner
157  end if
158  end do
160  end subroutine timestep_callback
162 end module simplecloud_mod
integer, parameter, public forward_stepping
Definition: state.F90:15
type(standard_q_names_type), public standard_q_names
Definition: q_indices.F90:59
subroutine initialisation_callback(current_state)
The initialisation callback sets up the moisture fields.
Definition: simplecloud.F90:41
real(kind=default_precision) max_height_cloud
Definition: simplecloud.F90:24
real(kind=default_precision), public r_over_cp
integer, parameter, public log_error
Only log ERROR messages.
Definition: logging.F90:11
Logging utility.
Definition: logging.F90:2
real(kind=default_precision) function, public dqwsatdt(saturation_mixing_ratio, temperature)
Calculated the rate of change with temperature of saturation mixing ratio over liquid water...
Definition: saturation.F90:33
type(component_descriptor_type) function, public simplecloud_get_descriptor()
Provides the descriptor back to the caller and is used in component registration. ...
Definition: simplecloud.F90:32
integer, parameter, public default_precision
MPI communication type which we use for the prognostic and calculation data.
Definition: datadefn.F90:17
integer, parameter, public z_index
Grid index parameters.
Definition: grids.F90:14
Contains common definitions for the data and datatypes used by MONC.
Definition: datadefn.F90:2
The ModelState which represents the current state of a run.
Definition: state.F90:39
logical function, public is_component_enabled(options_database, component_name)
Determines whether or not a specific component is registered and enabled.
Definition: registry.F90:334
subroutine, public log_master_log(level, message)
Will log just from the master process.
Definition: logging.F90:47
subroutine timestep_callback(current_state)
Called for each column per timestep this will apply a forcing term to the aerosol fields...
Definition: simplecloud.F90:72
Saturation physics functionality which is used throughout the code.
Definition: saturation.F90:2
Scientific constant values used throughout simulations. Each has a default value and this can be over...
This manages the Q variables and specifically the mapping between names and the index that they are s...
Definition: q_indices.F90:2
Interfaces and types that MONC components must specify.
real(kind=default_precision) function, public qsaturation(temperature, pressure)
Function to return the saturation mixing ratio over water based on tetans formular QS=3...
Definition: saturation.F90:22
real(kind=default_precision) function, public options_get_real(options_database, key, index)
Retrieves a real value from the database that matches the provided key.
Functionality to support the different types of grid and abstraction between global grids and local o...
Definition: grids.F90:5
A very simple saturation adjustment scheme without any microphysics.
Definition: simplecloud.F90:2
Manages the options database. Contains administration functions and deduce runtime options from the c...
real(kind=default_precision), public rlvap_over_cp
integer k_cloudmax
Definition: simplecloud.F90:23
The model state which represents the current state of a run.
Definition: state.F90:2
integer function, public get_q_index(name, assigning_component)
Add in a new entry into the register if the name does not already exist or return the index of the pr...
Definition: q_indices.F90:112
MONC component registry.
Definition: registry.F90:5