
"The present is the key to the past"
Uniformitarianism; James Hutton
..can the past also be the key to the future?
Current Research Projects (selected)
Pliocene Earth System Sensitivity (Plio-ESS)
Reconstructing and modelling Pliocene climates and environments
Investigators: Sarah Bonham, Aisling Dolan, Jane Francis, Alan Haywood, Daniel Hill, James Pope. Funded by NERC and the BGS. Supported by the US Geological Survey and the Met Office
Land cover in a warmer world: reconstructing Neogene (Pliocene and Miocene) vegetation patterns and climate change
Investigators: Jane Francis, Alan Haywood, Matthew Pound, Ulrich Salzmann. Funded by the NERC and the BGS
Impact of global disturbances on the evolution of life in the polar regions during the early Cenozoic (PALEOPOLAR)
Investigators at Leeds: Jane Francis, Vanessa Bowman
Project team includes: Alistair Crame (Lead-PI), Rowan Whittle, Jennifer Jackson (all at the British Antarctic Survey); Stuart Robinson (UCL); Daniel Lunt (University of Bristol); Liz Harper (University of Cambridge)
Funded by NERC as part of the "Long Term Co-evolution of Life & The Planet" research programme from 2010-2014
Greenhouse climates of the Eocene and Cretaceous: did ice sheets exist on Antarctica?
Investigators: Jane Francis, Alan Haywood, Steven Hunter. Funded by the NERC-AFI scheme and the Leverhulme Trust
The Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project - A UK contribution to PlioMIP
Investigators: Alan Haywood, Steven Pickering. Funded by the NERC and facilitated by the US Geological Survey
Understanding and modelling the stability and role of methane hydrates in Pleistocene glacial and interglacial cycles
Investigators: Alan Haywood. Funded by the NERC and the BGS