Johnson, A., Schwendike, J., Ross, A.N., Lock, A., Edwards, J., Kepert, J. (2024) Impacts of Free Tropospheric Turbulence Parametrisation on a Sheared Tropical Cyclone. QJRMS 150, 4437-4456. doi: 10.1002/qj.4823.
Lempidakis, E., Ross, A.N., Quetting, M., Krishnan, K., Garde, B., Wikelski, M., Shepard, E.L.C. (2024) Turbulence causes kinematic and behavioural adjustments in a flapping flier. J. Royal Soc. Interface 21 20230591. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2023.0591.
Smith, D., Reka, S., Dorling, S., Ross, A.N., Renfrew, I., Jayakumar, A., Anurose, T.J., Parde, A., Ghude, S., Rumbold, H. (2024) The importance of irrigation for the accurate simulation of fog over northern India. Comms E&E 5, 141. doi: 10.1038/s43247-024-01314-w.
Coney, J., Denby, L., Ross, A.N., Wang, H., Vosper, S., van Niekerk, A., Dunstan, T., Hindley, N. (2024) Identifying and characterising trapped lee waves using deep learning techniques. QJRMS 150, 213-231. doi: 10.1002/qj.4592
Liu, J., Tian, Z., Dobbie, S., Ross, A.N., Sun, L., Ye, Q. (2023) Characterization and process understanding of tropical cyclone compound floods derived from observations in Shenzhen, China. ERL 18, 124040. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad0bd7
Phadtare, J.A., Fletcher, J.K., Ross, A.N., Turner, A.G., Schiemann, R.K.H., Burns, H. (2023) Unravelling the Mechanism of Summer Monsoon Rainfall Modes over the West Coast of India using Model Simulations. QJRMS 149, 3164-3182. doi: 10.1002/qj.4550
Potter, E.R., Fyffe, C.L., Orr, A., Quincey, D.J., Ross, A.N., Rangecroft, S., Medina, K., Burns, H., Llacza, A., Jacome, G., Hellström, Castro, J., Cochahin, A., Montoya, N., Loarte, E., Pellicciotti, F. (2023) A future of extreme precipitation and drought in the Peruvian Andes, NPJ Clim. Atmos Sci 6, 96. doi: 10.1038/s41612-023-00409-z
Richards, M.K., Coker, O.E., Florido, J.I., Nicholls, R.A.M., Ross, A.N., Rooney, G.G. (2023) On the near-field interaction of vertically offset turbulent plumes, JFM 966 A24. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2023.439
Torgerson, W., Schwendike, J., Ross, A.N., Short, C.J. (2023) Intensity fluctuations in Hurricane Irma (2017) during a period of rapid intensification, WCD 4, 331-359. doi: 10.5194/wcd-4-331-2023
Smith, D., Dorling, S., Renfrew, I., Ross, A.N., Poku. C. (2023) Fog trends in India: relationships to fog type and western disturbances. IJoC 43, 818-836. doi: 10.1002/joc.7832
Lempidakis, E., Ross, A.N., Quetting, M., Garde, B., Wikelski, M., Shepard, E.L.C. (2022) Estimating fine-scale changes in turbulence using the movements of a flapping flier J. Royal Soc. Interface 19, 20220577. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2022.0577
Lempidakis, E., Shepard, E., Ross, A.N., Matsumoto, S., Koyama, S., Takeuchi, I, Yoda, K. (2022) Pelagic seabirds reduce risk by flying into the eye of the storm, PNAS 119(41), e2212925119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2212925119
Phadtare, J.A., Fletcher, J.K., Ross, A.N., Turner, A.G., Schiemann, R.K.H. (2022) Froude number-based rainfall regimes over the Western Ghats mountains of India. QJRMS 148, 3388-3405. doi: 10.1002/qj.4367.
Bickle, M., Marsham, J.H., Griffiths, S.D., Ross, A.N., Crook, J. (2022) The Influence of the Diurnal Cycle in Wind Shear and Thermodynamics on Squall Lines in the West African Monsoon. JAS 79(8), 2125-2143. doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-21-0025.1.
Bravo, C., Ross, A.N., Quincey, D.J., Cisternas, S., Rivera, A. (2022) Surface ablation and its drivers along a west-east transect of the Southern Patagonian Icefield. J. Glaciol. 68 305-318. doi: 10.1017/jog.2021.92.
Denby, L., Böing, S., Parker, D.J., Ross, A.N., Tobias, S.M. (2022) Characterising the shape, size, and orientation of cloud-feeding coherent boundary-layer structures. QJRMS 148, 499-519. doi: 10.1002/qj.4217
Lempidakis, E., Ross, A.N., Borger, L., Shepard, E. (2022) Airflow modelling predicts seabird breeding habitat across islands. Ecography 2022. doi: 10.1111/ecog.05733
Ashcroft, J., Schwendike, J., Ross, A., Griffiths, S., Short, C. (2021) The impact of weak environmental steering flow on tropical cyclone track predictability. QJRMS 147, 4122-4142. doi: 10.1002/qj.4171
Bravo, C., Bozkurt, D., Ross, A.N., Quincey, D.J. (2021) Projected increases in surface melt and ice loss for the Northern and Southern Patagonian Icefields. Sci Reports 11, 16847. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-95725-w
Hindley, N.P., Wright, C.J., Gadian, A.M., Hoffmann, L., Hughes, J.K., Jackson, D.R., King, J.C., Mitchell, N.J., Moffat-Griffin, T., Moss, A.C., Vosper, S.B. and Ross, A.N. (2021) Stratospheric gravity-waves over the mountainous island of South Georgia: testing a high-resolution dynamical model with 3-D satellite observations and radiosondes. ACP 21, 7695-7722. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-7695-2021
Poku, C.Y.A., Ross, A.N., Hill, A.A., Blyth, A.M., Shipway, B. (2021) Is a more physical representation of aerosol activation needed for simulations of fog?. ACP 21, 7271-7292. doi: 10.5194/acp-21-7271-2021
Bickle, M.E., Marsham, J.H., Ross, A.N., Rowell, D.P., Parker, D.J., Taylor, C.M. (2021) Understanding mechanisms for trends in Sahelian squall lines: Roles of thermodynamics and shear. QJRMS 147, 983-1006. doi: 10.1002/qj.3955.
Finnigan, J.J., Ayotte, K.W., Harman, I.N., Katul, G.G., Oldroyd, H.J., Patton, E.G., Poggi, D., Ross, A.N., Taylor, P.A. (2020) Boundary layer flow over complex topography (Boundary Layer Meteorology - 50th Anniversary Volume). BLM 177, 247-313. doi: 10.1007/s10546-020-00564-3
Chambers, J., Smith, M., Quincey, D., Carrivick, J., Ross, A., James, M. (2020) Glacial aerodynamic roughness estimates: uncertainty, sensitivity and precision in field measurements. JGR-ES 125(2) e2019JF005167. doi: 10.1029/2019JF005167
Vosper, S.B., Ross, A.N. (2020) Sampling errors in observed gravity wave momentum fluxes from vertical and tilted profiles. Atmosphere 11(1) 57. doi: 10.3390/atmos11010057.
Shepard, E.L.C., Cole, E.-L., Neate, A., Lempidakis, E., Ross, A.N. (2019) Wind prevents cliff-breeding birds from accessing nests through loss of flight control. Elife 8 e43842. doi:10.7554/eLife.43842.
Poku, C., Ross, A.N., Blyth, A., Hill, A.A., Price, J. (2019) How important are aerosol-fog interactions for successful modelling of nocturnal radiation fog?. Weather 74(7) 237-243. doi:10.1002/wea.3503.
Bravo, C., Bozkurt, D., Gonzalez-Reyes, A., Quincey, D., Ross, A.N., Farias, D., Rojas, M. (2019) Assessing snow accumulation patterns and changes on the Patagonian Icefields. Frontiers in Env. Sci. 7. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00030.
Jemmett-Smith, B., Ross, A.N., Sheridan, P., Hughes, J.K., Vosper, S.B. (2019) A case study of cold air pool evolution in hilly terrain using field measurements made during COLPEX. QJRMS 145 1290-1306. doi: 10.1002/qj.3499.
Bravo, C., Quincey, D.J., Ross, A.N., Rivera, A., Brock, B., Miles, E., Silva, A. (2019) Air temperature distribution and impact on the modeled ablation for the South Patagonia Icefield. JGR-A 124 907-925. doi: 10.1029/2018JD028857.
Vosper, S.B., Ross, A.N., Renfrew, I.A., Sheridan, P., Elvidge, A.D., Grubisic, V. (2018) Current challenges in orographic flow dynamics: turbulent exchange due to gravity-wave processes. Atmosphere 9 361. doi: 10.3390/atmos9090361.
Jemmett-Smith, B., Ross, A.N., Sheridan, P. (2018) A short climatological study of cold air pools and drainage flows in small valleys. Weather 73 256-262. doi: 10.1002/wea.3281
Turton, J.V., Kirchgaessner, A., King, J.C., Ross, A.N. (2018) The spatial and temporal variability of föhn winds over the Larsen C ice shelf, Antarctica. QJRMS 144 1169-1178. doi: 10.1002/qj.3284
Jackson D.R., Gadian A., Hindley N., Hoffman L., Hughes J., King J., Moffat-Griffin T., Moss, A.C., Ross A.N., Vosper S.B., Wright C.J., and Mitchell N.J. (2018) SG-WEX - a platform for improved analysis of gravity waves and low-level wind impacts generated from mountainous islands. BAMS 99 1027-1040. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0151.1
Quincey, D.J., Smith, M.W., Rounce, D.R., Ross, A.N., King, O., Watson, C.S. (2017) Evaluating morphological estimates of the aerodynamic roughness of debris covered glacier ice. ESPL 42 2541-2553. doi: 10.1002/esp.4198
Turton, J.V., Kirchgaessner, A., Ross, A.N., King, J.C. (2017) Does high-resolution modelling improve the spatial analysis of föhn flow over the Larsen C ice shelf? Weather 72 192-196. doi: 10.1002/wea.3028
Shepard, E.L.C., Ross, A.N., Portugal, S.J. (2016) Moving in a moving medium: new perspectives on flight. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371 20150382. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0382
Grant, E.R., Ross, A.N., Gardiner, B.A. (2016) Modelling canopy flows over complex terrain. BLM 161 417-437. doi: 10.1007/s10546-016-0176-3. View paper.
Fiedler, S., Knippertz, P., Woodward, S., Martin, G. M., Bellouin, N., Ross, A., Heinold, B., Schepanski, K., Birch, C.E., Tegen, I. (2016) A process-based evaluation of dust-emitting winds in the CMIP5 simulation of HadGEM2-ES. Clim. Dyn. 46 1107-1130. doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2635-9
Finnigan, J.J., Harman, I.N., Ross, A.N., Belcher, S.E. (2015) First-order turbulence closure for modelling complex canopy flows. QJRMS 141 2907-2916. doi: 10.1002/qj.2577
Ross, A.N., Grant, E.R. (2015) A new continuous planar fit method for calculating fluxes in complex, forested terrain. ASL 16(4). 445-452. doi: 10.1002/asl.580
Ross, A.N., Harman, I.N. (2015) The impact of source distribution on scalar transport over forested hills. BLM 156(2). 211-230. doi: 10.1007/s10546-015-0029-5
Grant, E.R., Ross, A.N., Gardiner, B.A., Mobbs, S.D. (2015) Field observations of canopy flows over complex terrain. BLM 156(2). 231-251. doi: 10.1007/s10546-015-0015-y
Good, B., Gadian, A., Lock, S.-J., Ross, A.N. (2014) Performance of the cut-cell method of representing orography in idealised simulations. ASL 15. 44-49. doi: 10.1002/asl2.465
Vosper, S.B., Hughes, J.K., Lock, A.P., Sheridan, P.F., Ross, A.N., Jemmett-Smith, B., Brown, A.R. (2014) Cold pool formation in a narrow valley. QJRMS 140. 699-714. doi: 10.1002/qj.2160
Heppenstall A.J., Harland K., Ross A.N., Olner D. (2013) Simulating Spatial Dynamics and Processes in a Retail Gasoline Market: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach, TGIS 17 661-682. doi: 10.1111/tgis.12027
Ross, A. N., Baker, T. P. (2013) Flow over partially forested ridges. BLM 146(3) 375-392. doi: 10.1007/s10546-012-9766-x
Yang, H., Dobbie, S., Mace, G. G., Ross A., Quante, M. (2012) GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) cirrus cloud working group: development of an observation-based case study for model evaluation. GMD 5(3) 829-843. doi: 10.5194/gmd-5-829-2012
Ross A. N. (2012) Boundary-layer flow within and above a forest canopy of variable density. QJRMS 138, 1259-1272. doi: 10.1002/qj.989
Price J. D., Vosper S., Brown A., Ross A. N., Clark P., Davies F., Horlacher V., Claxton B., McGregor J. R., Hoare J. S., Jemmett-Smith B., Sheridan P. (2011) COLPEX: Field and Numerical Studies Over a Region of Small Hills. BAMS 92, 1636-1650. doi: 10.1175/2011BAMS3032.1
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Ross, A.N. (2008) Large eddy simulations of flow over forested ridges. BLM 128 59-76.
Wells, H., Vosper, S.B., Webster, S., Ross, A.N., Brown, A.R. (2008) The impact of mountain wakes on the drag exerted on downstream mountains. QJRMS 134 677-687.
Wells, H., Vosper, S.B., Ross, A.N., Brown, A.R. and Webster S. (2008) Wind direction effects on orographic drag. QJRMS 134 689-701.
Mayr, G.J., Armi, L., Gohm, A., Zängl, G., Durran, D.R., Flamant, C., Gabersek, S., Mobbs, S.D., Ross, A.N., Weissman, M. (2007) Gap flows: Results from the Mesoscale Alpine Programme . QJRMS vol 133, pp881-896.
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Ross, A.N. (2005) Forest canopy-atmosphere interactions over complex terrain. Croatian Meteorol. J. vol 40, pp97-100.
Ross, A.N., Arnold, S., Vosper, S.B., Mobbs, S.D, Dixon, N., Robins, A.G. (2004) A comparison of wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulations of neutral and stratified flow over a hill. BLM vol 113 No 3, pp427-459.
Ross, A.N., Tompkins, A. and Parker, D. (2004) Simple models of the role of surface fluxes in convective cold pool evolution. JAS vol 61 No 13, pp1582-1595.
Ross, A.N., Vosper, S.B. (2003) Numerical simulations of stably stratified flow through a mountain pass. QJRMS 129 pp97-116.
Ross, A.N., Linden, P.F. and Dalziel, S.B. (2002) A study of three-dimensional gravity currents on a uniform slope. JFM 453, pp239-261.
Ross, A.N. and Vosper, S.B. (2001) Numerical Simulations of Flow Through a Mountain Pass. MAP newsletter 15, pp152-155.
Ross, A.N. (2000) Gravity Currents on Slopes. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge.