In order to deal with the noise due to discontinuous data, the following improvements will be applied to current identification algorithms:
In addition, a comparison between the Copernicus radar and other radars can be made to calibrate the algorithms. Copernicus radar is a 35 GHz (9 mm wavelength) cloud radar. It could be sensitive to a very small amount of Mie scattering from large particles (diameter ≈ 9 mm). For example, since the NCAS mobile X-band radar (9.375 GHz frequency; 319.8 mm wavelength; now located at CFARR) points vertically approximately 10 seconds every 6 minutes, the algorithms currently used could be applied to its vertical data for the bright band identification. Then, its results could be helpful to adjust the results produced using the Copernicus radar data.
The Radar data used in this work is accessible from CEDA (Central for Environmental Data Analysis). The disdrometer data used in this work is provided by DiVeN.
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