Tuesday convection meetings
Meetings with a focus on convection will take place every Tuesday between 10 and 11. Speakers can prepare a topic they are working on or a paper for discussion, which will take up most of the hour, with some time left for other business.
The idea is not to make a too formal presentation, but rather bring a few plots and talk about those. The aim will be to improve out understanding of the physics of convection, become more familiar with the literature on this topic, and stay updated on the research in our own group. Another topic for a meeting would be the parameterizations at the Met Office and ECMWF.
See below for a list of papers that could be discussed. Please send any suggestions for additional reading material to me.
Date Location, speaker, topic
17/01/17 meeting room 3, Alan Gadian: Changes in Convective Rainfall in
future climates over Western Europe
24/01/17 meeting room 3,
31/01/17 meeting room 2, Tom Kent
07/02/17 10.125, Luis Garcia-Carreras
14/02/17 room tba
21/02/17 room tba
28/02/17 meeting room 3, SEE
07/03/17 room tba
14/03/17 room tba, Alan Blyth: "An analytic description of the structure and
evolution of growing deep cumulus updrafts." by H. Morrison
Past meetings
Date Location, speaker, topic
10/02/15 Meeting to discuss organisation
17/02/15 Alan B, entrainment
24/02/15 NCAS room, Peter
Bush, S. J. et al. (2015), The effect of increased convective
entrainment on Asian monsoon biases in the MetUM general
circulation model. QJRMS
03/03/15 Starting 9:30! NCAS room, Cathryn
10/03/15 Chris Taylor (CEH), Land influences on convection
17/03/15 Steef, LES as a virtual laboratory
24/03/15 Alan G,
A brief look at some convective parameterisation schemes
31/03/15 Doug
Forecasting convection for West Africa
07/04/15 University closed
14/04/15 Rory, Simulations of the West
African Monsoon with a Superparameterized Climate Model
21/04/15 Michael Sadler SR (1.17)
Meeting about INCOMPASS
28/04/15 NCAS room , Dan
The CLUBB (higher order closure) parameterisation
for clouds and convection
05/05/15 NCAS room, Zhiqiang, Secondary Ice Production
via the Hallett-Mossop process
12/05/15 Worsley SR 8 (6.70), Luis, soil moisture - rainfall feedbacks
in a global model with explicit convection
19/05/15 NCAS room, Seshu
Tan et al. (2015), Increases in tropical rainfall driven
by changes in frequency of organized deep convection. Nature
26/05/15 University closed
02/06/15 NCAS room, Yahui, Studies of two COPE cases:
observation and modelling
09/06/15 Hillary Place SR (1.24), Thomas
Ban et al. (2015), Heavy precipitation in a changing climate:
Does short-term summer precipitation increase faster? GRL
06/06/15 NCAS room, Andrew Ross, Influence of sgs-mixing length
on simulation of convective cells
23/06/15 NCAS room, Julia, cloud tracking
30/06/15 NCAS room, Sam, Hannah, Godwin, MSc project on downdraughts
06/10/15 Lawrence: Convective aggregation
13/10/15 Ollie: Forced gravity waves
20/10/15 Doug, NCAS room, Atmospheric controls on soil moisture–boundary
layer interactions: Three-dimensional wind effects.
27/10/15 Juliane, NCAS room, isentropic analysis of a hurricane
03/11/15 Steef, The effect of moist convection on thermally
induced mesoscale circulations.
10/11/15 Phil, Aerosol-cloud-land surface interactions within,
tropical sea breeze convection.
17/11/15 Julia, Cloud tracking.
24/11/15 Rory, Potential causes of early season convection over West Africa.
02/12/15 David Dritschel (St Andrews), Lagrangian methods in fluid dynamics.
08/12/15 Ralph, Volcanic plumes.
15/12/15 Cathryn, the CONVEX project.
12/01/16 John, Global superparametrised models.
19/01/16 Andrew, Cloud shading feebacks in LEM.
26/01/16 Beth, Meredith et al (2015), Convection-permitting
models for studying changes in extreme precipitation.
02/02/16 Sam, similarity theory for downdraughts.
09/02/16 Geoffrey.
23/02/16 NCAS room Peter.
01/03/16 Ice-D Aerosol back trajectories/Berlin meeting recap.
08/03/16 Lawrence, ongoing work.
15/03/16 Tom Kent, ongoing work.
05/04/16 Tom Richardson, Seifert et al (2015), Large-eddy simulation of the
transient and near-equilibrium behavior of precipitating shallow
12/04/16 Jeff Snyder/Alexander Ryzhkov NNSL.
19/04/16 Richard - The Plant-Craig scheme.
26/04/16 Craig: Maalick et al (2014), Effect of aerosol concentration and
absorbing aerosol on the radiation fog life cycle.
03/05/16 Steef: the DYNAMO Field Campaign
28/09/16 David Kinniburgh (Monash), wild fires and convection
04/10/16 Informal meeting
13/10/16 Roger Smith (LMU)
18/10/16 Steef: the Moist Parcel-in-Cell method
25/10/16 Julian Quinting (Monash):"On the remote impact of tropical
cyclones on midlatitude weather and predictability"
01/11/16 Beth: gravity waves
08/11/16 Peter Watson: The impact of stochastic physics on tropical
variability in climate models
15/11/16 Jennifer: Evaluating boundary layer-based mass flux closures
using cloud-resolving model simulations
22/11/16 Peter Vogel/Andreas Schluter: work on West Africa
13/12/16 Paracon brainstorm
Recent literature
Seifert, Axel, and Thijs Heus. "Large-eddy simulation of organized precipitating trade wind cumulus clouds." Atmos. Chem. Phys 13 (2013): 5631-5645.
Kuo, Yi-Hung, J. David Neelin, and C. Roberto Mechoso. "Tropical convective transition statistics and causality in the water vapor-precipitation relation." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 2017 (2017).
Rochetin, Nicolas, et al. "Deep convection triggering by boundary layer thermals. Part I: LES analysis and stochastic triggering formulation." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 71.2 (2014): 496-514.
Rosch, J., et al. "Analysis of diagnostic climate model cloud parameterisations using large-eddy simulations." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (2015).
Romps, D.M., An analytical model for tropical relative humidity, J Climate , 2014
Moeng, A closure for updraft-downdraft representation of subgrid-scale fluxes in cloud-resolving models, MWR, 2014
Sherwood et al, Slippery thermals and the cumulus entrainment paradox, JAS, 2013
Emanuel et al., Radiative-Convective Instability, JAMES, 2013
Wing, Allison A., and Timothy W. Cronin. "Self‐aggregation of convection in long channel geometry." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142.694 (2016)
Naumann, Ann Kristin, and Axel Seifert. "Evolution of the shape of the raindrop size distribution in simulated shallow cumulus." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73.6 (2016)
Kang, Song‐Lak, and Jung‐Hee Ryu. "Response of moist convection to multi‐scale surface flux heterogeneity." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (2016).
Adler, Bianca, et al. "The variability of water vapour and pre-convective conditions over the mountainous island of Corsica." QJR Meteorol Soc. doi 10 (2015)
Morrison, Hugh. "Impacts of updraft size and dimensionality on the perturbation pressure and vertical velocity in cumulus convection. Part I: Simple, generalized analytic solutions." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73.4 (2016).
Morrison, Hugh. "Impacts of updraft size and dimensionality on the perturbation pressure and vertical velocity in cumulus convection. Part I: Simple, generalized analytic solutions." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73.4 (2016).
Romps, David M. "Clausius–Clapeyron Scaling of CAPE from Analytical Solutions to RCE." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73.9 (2016).
Romps, David M. "The Stochastic Parcel Model: A deterministic parameterization of stochastically entraining convection." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 8.1 (2016).
Bera, Sudarsan, Thara V. Prabha, and Wojciech W. Grabowski. "Observations of monsoon convective cloud microphysics over India and role of entrainment‐mixing." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2016).
Tian, Yang, and Zhiming Kuang. "Dependence of entrainment in shallow cumulus convection on vertical velocity and distance to cloud edge." Geophysical Research Letters 43.8 (2016).
Bierdel, Lotte, et al. "Accuracy of rotational and divergent kinetic energy spectra diagnosed from flight-track winds." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 2016 (2016).
Hannah, Walter M., Brian E. Mapes, and Gregory S. Elsaesser. "A Lagrangian View of Moisture Dynamics during DYNAMO." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73.5 (2016).
Lahaye, Noé, and Vladimir Zeitlin. "Understanding Instabilities of Tropical Cyclones and Their Evolution with a Moist Convective Rotating Shallow-Water Model." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73.2 (2016).
Torri, Giuseppe, and Zhiming Kuang. "A Lagrangian Study of Precipitation-Driven Downdrafts*." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73.2 (2016).
Sakradzija, Mirjana, Axel Seifert, and Anurag Dipankar. "A stochastic scale‐aware parameterization of shallow cumulus convection across the convective gray zone." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2016).
Mapes, B. E. "Gregarious convection and radiative feedbacks in idealized worlds." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2016).
Silvers, Levi, et al. "Radiative convective equilibrium as a framework for studying the interaction between convection and its large-scale environment." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2016).
Ban, Nikolina, Juerg Schmidli, and Christoph Schär. "Heavy precipitation in a changing climate: Does short-term summer precipitation increase faster?" Geophysical Research Letters (2015).
T.P. Lane. 2015. Gravity Waves | Convectively Generated Gravity Waves. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 171-179.
Peter Bechtold, Noureddine Semane, Philippe Lopez, Jean-Pierre Chaboureau, Anton Beljaars, and Niels Bormann, 2014: Representing Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Convection in Large-Scale Models. J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 734–753.
Heinze, Rieke, Dmitrii Mironov, and Siegfried Raasch, 2015: Second‐Moment Budgets in Cloud‐Topped Boundary Layers: A Large‐Eddy Simulation Study. JAMES
Rieck, Malte, Cathy Hohenegger, and Pierre Gentine, 2015 "The effect of moist convection on thermally induced mesoscale circulations." QJRMS
Peter A. Bogenschutz, Andrew Gettelman, Hugh Morrison, Vincent E. Larson, Cheryl Craig, and David P. Schanen, 2013: Higher-Order Turbulence Closure and Its Impact on Climate Simulations in the Community Atmosphere Model. J. Climate, 26, 9655–9676.
Feng et al, 2015: Mechanisms of convective cloud organization by cold pools over tropical warm ocean during the AMIE/DYNAMO field campaign. JAMES
Moseley, Christopher, et al. "Intensification of convective extremes driven by cloud-cloud interaction." arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.03831 (2015).
Daleu, C. L., et al. "Intercomparison of methods of coupling between convection and large‐scale circulation: I. Comparison over uniform surface conditions." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2015).
Hill, P. G., C. J. Morcrette, and I. A. Boutle. "A regime‐dependent parametrization of subgrid‐scale cloud water content variability." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (2015).
Nie, Ji, and Adam H. Sobel. "Responses of tropical deep convection to the QBO: cloud-resolving simulations." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 72.9 (2015): 3625-3638.
Zhu, Ping. "On the Mass-Flux Representation of Vertical Transport in Moist Convection." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 2015 (2015).
Posselt, Derek. J et al. "Quantitative Sensitivity Analysis of Physical Parameterizations for Cases of Deep Convection in the NASA GEOS-5 Model." Journal of Climate (2015).
Varble, Adam, et al. "Evaluation of cloud‐resolving and limited area model intercomparison simulations using TWP‐ICE observations: 1. Deep convective updraft properties." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119.24 (2014).
General interest
Neggers et al, A multiparcel model for shallow cumulus convection, JAS, 2002
Mapes, Gregarious tropical convection, JAS, 1993
Swann, Evaluation of the mass-flux approach to parametrizing deep convection, QJRMS, 2001
Simpson, J.E. (1982) Gravity currents in the laboratory, atmosphere and ocean. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 14, 213-234.
Hunt, G. R., and T. S. Van den Bremer. "Classical plume theory: 1937–2010 and beyond." IMA journal of applied mathematics 76.3 (2011): 424-448.
Hunt, G. R., and N. B. Kaye. "Lazy plumes." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 533 (2005): 329-338.
Wilson J W, Roberts RD. 2006. Summary of Convective Storm Initiation and Evolution during IHOP: Observational and Modeling Perspective. Mon. Wea. Rev. 134: 23-47.
Parodi and Emanuel 2009. A Theory for Buoyancy and Velocity Scales in Deep Moist Convection, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.
Kirshbaum & Smith, 2009. Orographic Precipitation in the Tropics: Large-Eddy Simulations and Theory J. Atmos. Sci.
Todd P. Lane, Fuqing Zhang. (2011) Coupling between Gravity Waves and Tropical Convection at Mesoscales. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68:11, 2582-2598.
Ian Folkins. (2010) A One-Dimensional Cloud Model with Trimodal Convective Outflow. Journal of Climate 22:23, 6437-6455.
Golaz, Jean-Christophe, Vincent E. Larson, and William R. Cotton. "A PDF-based model for boundary layer clouds. Part I: Method and model description." Journal of the atmospheric sciences 59.24 (2002): 3540-3551.
Pauluis, Olivier, and Jörg Schumacher. "Idealized moist Rayleigh-Bénard convection with piecewise linear equation of state." Communications in Mathematical Sciences 8.1 (2010): 295-319.
Weidauer, Thomas, Olivier Pauluis, and Jörg Schumacher. "Rayleigh-Bénard convection with phase changes in a Galerkin model." Physical Review E 84.4 (2011): 046303.
Overview articles
Bjorn Stevens. (2005) ATMOSPHERIC MOIST CONVECTION. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 33, 605-643.
Robert A. Houze. (2004) Mesoscale convective systems. Reviews of Geophysics 42.
Online publication date: 1-Jan-2004.