11 use fruit
, only : assert_equals, assert_true, assert_false
19 class(*),
pointer :: raw_data
33 integer,
dimension(1) :: test_int
41 call assert_equals(test_int(1),
"Timestep correct")
47 class(*),
pointer :: raw_data, raw_id
51 call assert_equals(1, id)
57 call assert_equals(1, raw_data%size,
"Size expected")
58 call assert_equals(10, raw_data%data(1),
"Dimension correct")
61 call assert_equals(2, id)
67 call assert_equals(2, raw_data%size,
"Size expected")
68 call assert_equals(11, raw_data%data(1),
"Dimension correct")
69 call assert_equals(20, raw_data%data(2),
"Dimension correct")
72 call assert_equals(3, id)
78 call assert_equals(3, raw_data%size,
"Size expected")
79 call assert_equals(11, raw_data%data(1),
"Dimension correct")
80 call assert_equals(21, raw_data%data(2),
"Dimension correct")
81 call assert_equals(30, raw_data%data(3),
"Dimension correct")
90 class(*),
pointer :: raw_data
96 call assert_false(exists,
"Field does not exist")
98 call assert_true(exists,
"Field does exist")
105 use fruit
, only : init_fruit, run_test_case, fruit_summary
type(map_type), save variable_ids
program test_checkpointer_driver
Common checkpoint functionality which is used by reader and writers to NetCDF checkpoints.
character(len= *), parameter created_attribute_key
Converts a data type into the generic (class *) form.
The ModelState which represents the current state of a run.
subroutine test_define_velocity_variable()
Conversion between common inbuilt FORTRAN data types.
Converts data types to strings.
integer function nf90_get_var_integer(ncid, varid, target, indexes, start, count, map)
subroutine define_velocity_variable(ncid, multi_process, dimone, dimtwo, dimthree, field_name, field_id)
Will define a single velocity variable in the NetCDF file.
character(len= *), parameter title_attribute_key
subroutine test_does_field_exist()
Collection data structures.
Writes out model state_mod to a checkpoint NetCDF file.
logical function does_field_exist(ncid, variable_key)
Determines whether a variable (field) exists within the NetCDF checkpoint file The NetCDF file id T...
type(map_type), save global_attributes
subroutine write_out_global_attributes(ncid)
Writes out global attributes into the checkpoint.
Will read in a NetCDF checkpoint file and initialise the model state_mod based upon this...
subroutine dummy_netcdf_reset()
subroutine test_write_out_misc_variables()
type(map_type), save variable_data
Converts data types to integers.
Determines whether or not a map contains a specific key.
The model state which represents the current state of a run.
subroutine write_out_misc_variables(current_state, ncid, timestep_id, time_id, ugal_id, vgal_id, number_q_fields_id, dtm_id, dtm_new_id, absolute_new_dtm_id)
Will dump out (write) misc model data to the checkpoint.
character(len= *), parameter checkpoint_title
Title of the NetCDF file.
subroutine test_write_out_global_attributes()