20 use mpi
, only : mpi_comm_world, mpi_thread_multiple, mpi_thread_serialized, mpi_thread_single, mpi_thread_funneled, mpi_wtime
32 total_global_processes, continuation_run, io_configuration_file)
35 integer,
intent(in) :: io_communicator_arg, provided_threading, total_global_processes
36 logical,
intent(in) :: continuation_run
37 character(len=LONG_STRING_LENGTH),
intent(in) :: io_configuration_file
52 type(
intent(inout) :: component_descriptions
56 integer :: ierr, myrank, size, io_server_placement_period, provided_threading, selected_threading_mode
57 logical :: i_am_monc_process
58 character(len=LONG_STRING_LENGTH) :: io_server_config_file
61 call mpi_init_thread(selected_threading_mode, provided_threading, ierr)
62 if (selected_threading_mode .gt. provided_threading)
then 65 "' but the maximum level your MPI implementation can provide is '"//&
74 call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, myrank, ierr)
79 if (state%io_server_enabled)
then 80 call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world,
size, ierr)
82 "Run with 1 process, With IO server enabled then the minimum process size is 2 (1 for IO, 1 for MONC)")
83 call get_io_configuration(state%options_database, io_server_config_file, io_server_placement_period)
85 state%parallel%io_communicator, i_am_monc_process, state%parallel%corresponding_io_server_process)
86 if (.not. i_am_monc_process)
then 87 call io_server_run(state%options_database, state%parallel%io_communicator, provided_threading, &
88 size, state%continuation_run, io_server_config_file)
90 call monc_run(component_descriptions, state)
93 state%parallel%monc_communicator=mpi_comm_world
94 call monc_run(component_descriptions, state)
97 call mpi_finalize(ierr)
120 state%continuation_run=.false.
123 state%continuation_run=.true.
128 call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_world)
138 subroutine monc_run(component_descriptions, state)
139 type(
intent(inout) :: component_descriptions
142 integer :: ierr, total_size
143 double precision :: end_time, timestepping_time, modeldump_time
145 state%model_start_wtime=mpi_wtime()
146 call mpi_comm_rank(state%parallel%monc_communicator, state%parallel%my_rank, ierr)
147 call mpi_comm_size(state%parallel%monc_communicator, state%parallel%processes, ierr)
148 call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, total_size, ierr)
153 trim(
" IO server(s)")
156 call log_master_log(
"MONC compiled with debug options, you probably want to recompile without for production runs")
165 if (
"registered") .and. state%parallel%my_rank==0) &
167 if (
"showcallbacks") .and. state%parallel%my_rank==0) &
174 call mpi_barrier(state%parallel%monc_communicator, ierr)
176 if (state%parallel%my_rank==0)
then 178 "ms (timestepping="//trim(
conv_to_string(int(timestepping_time * 1000)))//
"ms, modeldump="//&
180 int((end_time-state%model_start_wtime) * 1000)) - (int(timestepping_time * 1000) + int(modeldump_time * 1000))))//
189 type(model_state_type),
intent(inout) :: state
190 double precision,
intent(out) :: timestepping_time, modeldump_time
192 integer :: logging_mod_level
193 double precision :: start_time, end_time, start_iteration_time
195 timestepping_time=0.0_default_precision
196 modeldump_time=0.0_default_precision
198 call init_timestepper()
200 logging_mod_level = log_get_logging_level()
201 call execute_initialisation_callbacks(state)
202 state%continue_timestep=.true.
203 start_time=mpi_wtime()
204 do while (state%continue_timestep)
205 if (state%update_dtm) state%dtm=state%dtm_new
207 if (logging_mod_level .ge. log_debug) start_iteration_time=mpi_wtime()
209 if (logging_mod_level .ge. log_debug .and. state%parallel%my_rank==0) &
211 if (state%continue_timestep)
then 212 state%timestep = state%timestep+1
213 state%time = state%time + state%dtm
217 state%timestep_runtime=end_time-start_time
218 timestepping_time=timestepping_time+state%timestep_runtime
219 call execute_finalisation_callbacks(state)
221 call finalise_timestepper()
228 integer,
intent(in) :: timestep
229 double precision,
intent(in) :: start_time
231 double precision :: end_time
234 call log_log(log_debug,
"Timestep "//trim(conv_to_string(timestep))//
" completed in "//&
235 trim(conv_to_string(int((end_time-start_time) * 1000)))//
240 type(hashmap_type),
intent(inout) :: options_database
241 type(list_type),
intent(inout) :: component_descriptions
243 class(*),
pointer :: raw_data
244 type(iterator_type) :: iterator
246 iterator=c_get_iterator(component_descriptions)
247 do while (c_has_next(iterator))
248 raw_data=>c_next_generic(iterator)
249 select type(raw_data)
250 type is (component_descriptor_type)
251 call register_component(options_database, raw_data)
253 call log_log(log_warn,
"Can not register component due to corrupted data")
264 type(hashmap_type),
intent(inout) :: options_database
265 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: key
267 if (options_has_key(options_database, key))
then 276 type(map_type) :: registered_components
277 type(iterator_type) :: iterator
278 type(mapentry_type):: map_entry
280 registered_components = get_all_registered_components()
281 call log_log(log_info,
"Registered components: "//conv_to_string(c_size(registered_components)))
282 iterator=c_get_iterator(registered_components)
283 do while (c_has_next(iterator))
284 map_entry=c_next_mapentry(iterator)
285 call log_log(log_info, trim(map_entry%key)//
" "//trim(conv_to_string(c_get_real(map_entry))))
297 am_i_monc_process, corresponding_io_server_process)
298 integer,
intent(in) :: moncs_per_io
299 integer,
intent(out) :: monc_communicator, io_communicator, corresponding_io_server_process
300 logical,
intent(out) :: am_i_monc_process
302 integer,
allocatable :: members_monc_group, members_io_group
303 integer :: total_ranks, monc_group, io_group, io_processes, monc_processes, i, io_index, &
304 monc_index, my_rank, ierr, global_group, io_stride
306 call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, total_ranks, ierr)
307 call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, my_rank, ierr)
309 io_stride=moncs_per_io+1
311 monc_processes=total_ranks-io_processes
312 allocate(members_io_group(io_processes), members_monc_group(monc_processes))
315 corresponding_io_server_process=-1
316 am_i_monc_process=.true.
318 do i=0, total_ranks-1
319 if (mod(i, io_stride) == 0 .and. i .lt. total_ranks)
then 320 if (io_index .le. io_processes)
then 321 members_io_group(io_index)=i
323 members_monc_group(monc_index)=i
324 monc_index=monc_index+1
327 if (my_rank == i) am_i_monc_process=.false.
328 if (my_rank .gt. i .and. my_rank .lt. i+io_stride)
then 329 corresponding_io_server_process=i
332 members_monc_group(monc_index)=i
333 monc_index=monc_index+1
337 if (.not. am_i_monc_process .and. my_rank .eq. total_ranks-1)
then 338 am_i_monc_process=.true.
339 corresponding_io_server_process=my_rank-io_stride
342 if (am_i_monc_process .and. corresponding_io_server_process .lt. 0)
then 343 call log_log(log_error,
"MONC can not deduce its IO server rank, try with a different number of IO to MONC setting")
346 if (log_get_logging_level() .ge. log_debug)
then 347 call log_log(log_debug,
"IO server assignment, rank="//conv_to_string(my_rank)//
" IO server="//&
348 conv_to_string(corresponding_io_server_process)//
" am I a MONC="//conv_to_string(am_i_monc_process))
351 call mpi_comm_group(mpi_comm_world, global_group, ierr)
352 call mpi_group_incl(global_group, monc_processes, members_monc_group, monc_group, ierr)
353 call mpi_group_incl(global_group, io_processes, members_io_group, io_group, ierr)
354 call mpi_comm_create(mpi_comm_world, monc_group, monc_communicator, ierr)
355 call mpi_comm_create(mpi_comm_world, io_group, io_communicator, ierr)
356 deallocate(members_io_group, members_monc_group)
365 integer,
intent(in) :: total_ranks, moncs_per_io
369 io_stride=moncs_per_io
377 subroutine get_io_configuration(options_database, ioserver_configuration_file, moncs_per_io_server)
378 type(hashmap_type),
intent(inout) :: options_database
379 character(len=LONG_STRING_LENGTH),
intent(out) :: ioserver_configuration_file
380 integer,
intent(out) :: moncs_per_io_server
382 integer :: myrank, ierr
384 ioserver_configuration_file=options_get_string(options_database,
385 moncs_per_io_server=options_get_integer(options_database,
387 if (moncs_per_io_server == -1 .or. ioserver_configuration_file ==
then 388 call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, myrank, ierr)
389 if (myrank == 0)
call log_log(log_error,
"To run an IO server you must provide the placement period and configuration file")
390 call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_world)
398 character(len=STRING_LENGTH) :: thread_multiple_config_value
401 call get_environment_variable(
"MONC_THREAD_MULTIPLE", thread_multiple_config_value, status=status)
403 if (status == 0 .and. conv_is_logical(trim(thread_multiple_config_value)))
then 404 if (conv_to_logical(trim(thread_multiple_config_value)))
then 418 integer,
intent(in) :: lvl
420 if (lvl == mpi_thread_single)
then 422 else if (lvl == mpi_thread_funneled)
then 424 else if (lvl == mpi_thread_serialized)
then 426 else if (lvl == mpi_thread_multiple)
then integer, parameter, public long_string_length
Length of longer strings.
type(component_descriptor_type) function, pointer, public get_component_info(name)
Retrieves detailed information about a specific component.
subroutine, public monc_core_bootstrap(component_descriptions, io_server_run)
Main core entry point to bootstrap running the model.
IO server entry procedure which may be passed to the core entry point (if IO server is enabled) ...
subroutine, public load_command_line_into_options_database(options_database)
Loads in the command line arguments and stores them in the options database.
subroutine, public display_callbacks_in_order_at_each_stage()
Displays the registered callbacks of each stage in the order that they will be called.
logical function determine_if_io_server_enabled(options_database)
Determines whether the IO server should be enabled or not.
integer, parameter, public log_error
Only log ERROR messages.
character(len=string_length) function, public options_get_string(options_database, key, index)
Retrieves a string value from the database that matches the provided key.
subroutine, public finalise_timestepper()
Finalises the timestepper by cleaning up allocated memory.
type(map_type) function, public get_all_registered_components()
Returns a brief summary of all registered components.
integer, parameter, public default_precision
MPI communication type which we use for the prognostic and calculation data.
Contains common definitions for the data and datatypes used by MONC.
The ModelState which represents the current state of a run.
subroutine, public log_master_log(level, message)
Will log just from the master process.
integer, parameter, public log_debug
Log DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages.
A hashmap structure, the same as a map but uses hashing for greatly improved performance when storing...
subroutine monc_run(component_descriptions, state)
Called by MONC processes to run the MONC model.
Conversion between common inbuilt FORTRAN data types.
subroutine get_io_configuration(options_database, ioserver_configuration_file, moncs_per_io_server)
Reads the IO server configuration and populates the required variables of the configuration file name...
integer function get_mpi_threading_mode()
Retrives the configured MPI threading mode, this is serialized by default but can be overridden via e...
Converts data types to strings.
Description of a component.
subroutine, public initialise_science_constants(current_state)
Initialises the scientific constants to read in any values that are overridden in the configuration...
subroutine load_model_configuration(state, options_database)
Loads the configuration into the options database, either from a file or checkpoint.
Main core entry point to the rest of the model, this is called by the program main.
subroutine, public log_log(level, message, str)
Logs a message at the specified level. If the level is above the current level then the message is ig...
Converts data types to logical.
Scientific constant values used throughout simulations. Each has a default value and this can be over...
Map data structure that holds string (length 20 maximum) key value pairs.
subroutine, public order_all_callbacks()
Orders all callbacks in the prospective stages based upon the priorities of each descriptor.
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
subroutine display_registed_components()
Displays the registered components and their version numbers.
subroutine, public log_set_logging_level(level)
Sets the logging level, messages with less priority will be ignored.
Determines whether a data item can be represented as a logical or not.
subroutine, public timestep(current_state)
Performs a timestep, which is comprised of executing each group of components in the order that they ...
Interfaces and types that MONC components must specify.
subroutine split_communicator_into_monc_and_io(moncs_per_io, monc_communicator, io_communicator, am_i_monc_process, corresponding_io_server_process)
Splits the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator into MONC and IO separate communicators. The size of each depe...
Collection data structures.
subroutine, public init_timestepper()
Initialises the timestepper by prefetching the groups in the order that they will be executed...
logical function is_present_and_true(options_database, key)
Determines whether an option is present in the database and true. This combines the key check and get...
integer, parameter, public log_warn
Log WARNING and ERROR messages.
Converts data types to real.
integer, parameter, public string_length
Default length of strings.
subroutine, public initialise_logging(pid)
Initialises the logging. This is done to make it easier for master logging only, so that we don't hav...
List data structure which implements a doubly linked list. This list will preserve its order...
subroutine display_timestep_information(timestep, start_time)
Provides timestepping information about the current step and performance.
Performs the actual time stepping over groups of components. Each group can be the whole (which is on...
integer function, public options_get_integer(options_database, key, index)
Retrieves an integer value from the database that matches the provided key.
Manages the options database. Contains administration functions and deduce runtime options from the c...
integer, parameter, public log_info
Log INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages.
integer function get_number_io_processes(total_ranks, moncs_per_io)
Based upon the total number of processes and the IO process id stride determines the number of proces...
logical function, public options_get_logical(options_database, key, index)
Retrieves a logical value from the database that matches the provided key.
subroutine, public execute_initialisation_callbacks(current_state)
Calls all initialisation callbacks with the specified state.
subroutine, public parse_configuration_file(options_database, user_configuration_file)
Parses a specific configuration and adds the contents into the options database.
Parses a configuration file and loads the contents into the options database which can then be intero...
subroutine fill_registry_with_components(options_database, component_descriptions)
Registers each supplied component description.
subroutine, public register_component(options_database, descriptor)
Will register a component and install the nescesary callback hooks.
subroutine perform_model_steps(state, timestepping_time, modeldump_time)
Will run through the actual model stages and call the appropriate callbacks at each stage...
Gets a specific double precision real element out of the list, stack, queue or map with the correspon...
logical function, public options_has_key(options_database, key)
Determines whether a specific key is in the database.
The model state which represents the current state of a run.
character(len=string_length) function mpi_threading_level_to_string(lvl)
Converts an MPI threading level to the string representation of it.
integer function, public log_get_logging_level()
Retrieves the current logging level.
subroutine, public init_registry(options_database)
Initialises the registry with the provided configuration file.
subroutine, public init_data_defn()
Will initialise the data definitions. This should be called as soon as MONC starts up...
subroutine, public execute_finalisation_callbacks(current_state)
Calls all finalisation callbacks with the specified state.
Loads in the configuration stored in a NetCDF checkpoint file for the model to start from...
subroutine, public parse_configuration_checkpoint_netcdf(options_database, checkpoint_name, communicator)
Will parse the NetCDF checkpoint file and loads the configuration into the options database...