

'Volunteering that doesn't cost the earth '

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We need your help.

Have you volunteered for a charity that isn't on our site yet?

Do you work for a NGO and need volunteers?

Then Contact Us



Carbon Neutral Travel

Following this link to the World Land Trusts' Carbon Balanced site will enable you to offset the carbon emissions that you are responsible for when you travel and during your day to day life.


What we do.

Want to do something for the environment? Want to volunteer planting trees in the Scottish Highlands, counting turtles in the Mediteranean or carrying out research on whale watching boats in Tenerife? Don't have $2000 to spare? ... Then this website is for you.

We aim to provide an international database of small NGOs and environmental charities that need volunteers. Many of them charge nothing or only a small amount to cover food and lodging.


14/05/06 - The globaleer website is finally up and running. Check back often. We will be adding new volunteer opportunities as fast as we can.
15/05/06 - Madagascar and Costa Rica are now updated. Things will be moving along fast soon.



How to search

Search the website clicking on the map above.