=========================================================   Table 2. Standard diagnostics and file names ========================================================= Ascii tables will be fine given small data sets. Report J-values at the mid-point of Layers 1 through 40. File names: PC08_{model name + version if need be}_{PhotoPart#} Write format: J-title, J-value(1:41) '(a8,1x,41e9.2)' File Examples: PC08_UCIref_doc.txt (or .pdf or .doc if need formatting) UCI old reference code, documentation PC08_UCI-JX_doc.txt UCI version of fast-JX, documentation PC08_UCIref_P1a.txt PC08_UCIref_P1b.txt PC08_UCIref_P1c.txt UCI-ref results for Part 1 clear, Pinatubo & stratus (see sample below) PC08_UCIref_P2n.txt PC08_UCIref_P2m.txt PC08_UCIref_P2a.txt UCI-ref results for Part 2 noon, midnight and average PC08_UCIref_P3.txt UCI-ref results for Part 3 (J-O3(1d) and J-NO2 only). PC08_UCIref_P1.txt ----------file: PC08_UCIref_P1a.txt ---------------- PhotoComp2008: UCI pratmo P1a '(a8,1x,41e9.2)' ** note that UCIref does not calculate L=1(933) but at surface(1000) pressure 933.** 750. 562. ..... .0237 .0178 .0133 .0100 J-NO 7.02E-31 6.85E-28 7.42E-25 ...... 4.71E-06 4.91E-06 5.10E-06 5.26E-06 J-O2 1.16E-23 6.49E-22 4.67E-20 ...... 4.80E-09 5.57E-09 6.45E-09 7.51E-09 J-O3 4.55E-04 5.09E-04 5.37E-04 J-O3(1D) 4.84E-05 7.00E-05 8.02E-05 J-H2COa 3.08E-05 4.43E-05 5.22E-05 ....... J-Acet-b 4.26E-07 3.94E-07 2.79E-07 ..... =========================================================