Table 1c. Scattering properties of Pinatubo aerosol and stratus cloud. Definitions: W = wavelength (nm) Q = scattering efficiency (average of cross-section / (pi * r**2) ) typically Q ~ 2 for large clouds and large aerosols fn of aerosol size distrib N(r), index of refraction, wavelength. K = extinction (m2/g), the cross-sectional area per gram of material K(m2/g) = Q / [4/3 * Reff(micron) * Rho(g/cm3)] Reff = effective radius (microns) = Average[N(r) * r**3] / Average[N(r) * r**2] Rho = density of particles (g/cm3) n = index of refraction OD = optical depth (column) = column mass (g/m2) * K (m2/g) SSA = single scattering abledo LG(1:8) = coefficients of Legendre expansion of scattering phase fn. both polariztions are added. By definition SLEG(1) = 1. Fast-JX uses these first 8 terms to define the scattering. Pinatubo: OD = 1.0 in layer 10 (86.6 to 64.9 hPa) ======== Stratospheric aerosol composed of 75%-wt H2SO4. Rho = 1.630 n = 1.514 + 0.000i (200 nm) 1.473 + 0.000i (300 nm) 1.459 + 0.000i (400 nm) 1.448 + 0.000i (600 nm) 1.435 + 0.000i (999 nm) Log-normal distribution with R0 = 0.08 micron & sigma = 0.800 **check that you are using the right log-normal by deriving Reff Reff = 0.386 micron K (600nm) = 2.610 OD (@600nm) = 1.00 ==> aerosol = 1.00/K = 0.3832 g/m2 W Q SSA LG(2) LG(3) LG(4) LG(5) LG(6) LG(7) LG(8) 200 2.5935 1.0000 2.092 2.914 2.880 3.295 3.185 3.430 3.379 300 2.6669 1.0000 2.121 2.861 2.792 2.936 2.733 2.703 2.568 400 2.5588 1.0000 2.144 2.813 2.711 2.695 2.425 2.257 2.069 600 2.1893 1.0000 2.149 2.713 2.547 2.362 2.018 1.740 1.499 999 1.4540 1.0000 2.118 2.537 2.277 1.951 1.555 1.229 0.972 (fast-JX 61 scatter #15) Stratus: OD = 20.0 in layer 2 (866 to 649 hPa) ======= Pure water cloud Rho = 1.000 n = 1.335 + 0.000i (assumed 200-999 nm) Deirmendjian Cumulus C1 (Gamma, n(r) = a r**alpha exp[-b r**gamma]) mode radius Rc = 4 microns, alpha=6, b=3/2, gamma = 1 Reff = 6.00 micron K (600nm) = 0.2668 OD (@600nm) = 20.0 ==> aerosol = 20.0/K = 75.0 g/m2 W Q SSA LG(2) LG(3) LG(4) LG(5) LG(6) LG(7) LG(8) 200 2.0650 1.0000 2.610 3.998 4.771 5.450 6.196 6.829 7.721 300 2.0835 1.0000 2.596 3.973 4.725 5.406 6.129 6.751 7.607 400 2.1064 1.0000 2.571 3.936 4.660 5.345 6.056 6.670 7.492 600 2.1345 1.0000 2.557 3.902 4.596 5.263 5.923 6.507 7.267 999 2.1922 1.0000 2.499 3.799 4.418 5.081 5.667 6.213 6.851 (fast-JX 61 scatter #08)