window,0,retain=2 x=[1.,2.,3.,4.] y3=x^3. plot,x,y3 y2=x^2. oplot,x,y2,linestyle=2
Note that the deafult is white on black. You can change this with
!p.color=0 !p.background=256*256-1``!p.'' in IDL is always used to change the default value of something.
x,y and y3 are arrays of numbers. Arrays are just single variables that contain lists or multi-dimensional grids of numbers.
You can easily refer to indiviual elements of an array using, for example,
print,x(1)Note IDL counts from zero!
Or several elements,
Or all elements
``*'' is most useful when you have a multi-dimenisoanl array and you can use ``*'' refer to a whole row or column etc. For example
a=[[1,2,3],[1,2,3]; create a 2D array print,a(0,*) print,a(*,0)
You will spend a lot of time messing around with arrays of numbers and plotting them using IDL during your PhD and we will return to them later.