First we read all the data
pro read_all_larkhill_sondes,all_data,all_times ;+ ;Reads in all larkhill sonde data from /nfs/see-fs-02_users/lecjm/public_html/Teaching/IDL_course/New_Course_v1/Data/ and gets times from filenames ;- ;Finds all files that fir the description (* is any or no characters) ;Keyword count allows us to count them files=findfile('/nfs/see-fs-02_users/lecjm/public_html/Teaching/IDL_course/New_Course_v1/Data/larkhill_20050624*.txt',count=nfiles) width=7 ; we know all files have 7 variables max_lines=1000 ; max number of lines in a file (choose a big number) all_data=fltarr(width,max_lines,nfiles) all_times=fltarr(max_lines,nfiles) all_nlines=fltarr(nfiles) for i = 0,nfiles -1 do begin ; for each file read_ascii_cols,files(i),data,width,head_length=5 time_hours=fix(strmid(files(i),7,2,/reverse_offset),type=4);hour from title time_mins =fix(strmid(files(i),9,2,/reverse_offset),type=4) sz_data=size(data); LOOK THIS UP TO SEE WHAT IT DOES! nlines=sz_data(2) all_nlines(i)=nlines all_data(*,0:nlines-1,i)=data times=time_hours+time_mins/60. ; time of data in hours all_times(*,i)=times endfor ;Bin empty part of array maxlines=max(nlines) all_data=all_data(*,0:maxlines-1,*) all_times=all_times(0:maxlines-1,*) end
Then we plot it.
pro plot_all_larkhill_sondes ;+ ;plots example graphs using larkhill sonde data, including a contour plot of irrgularly gridded data. ;- read_all_larkhill_sondes,all_data,all_times ;;;;;;;;;;;E.g. to plot temp vs pressure for the first sonde window,0,retain=2 !p.color=0 !p.background=256*256-1 ;Where 0<press<1200mb AND 0<temp<600 K w=where(all_data(1,*,0) gt 0. and all_data(1,*,0) lt 120000. and all_data(3,*,0) gt 0. and all_data(3,*,0) lt 600.,cw) plot,(all_data(3,*,0))(w),(all_data(1,*,0))(w),$ xtitle='Temp (K)',ytitle='Pressure (hPa)',yrange=[100000,0] ;;;;;;;To contour temp vs pressure for all sondes ;Where 0<press<1200mb AND 0<temp<600 K w=where(all_data(1,*,*) gt 0. and all_data(1,*,*) lt 120000. and all_data(3,*,*) gt 0. and all_data(3,*,*) lt 600.,cw) window,1,retain=2 !p.color=0 !p.background=256*256-1 lev=indgen(50)*2.+210. contour,(all_data(3,*,*))(w),(all_times(*,*))(w),(all_data(1,*,*))(w),/irregular,levels=lev,yrange=[1000,500]*100.,/fill,xtitle='Time (UTC)',ytitle='Pressure (Pa)' contour,(all_data(3,*,*))(w),(all_times(*,*))(w),(all_data(1,*,*))(w),/irregular,levels=lev,/overplot,c_labels=lev*0.+1 ;NOW OVERPLOT VERTICAL DOTTED LINES AT THE TIMES OF THE ACTUAL RADIOSONDES stop end
sets any named keyword to 1.
So \irregular
sets the irregular keyword of contour to 1.
Contour takes 1D input of data, x and y (see IDL help).