6 hourly domain dumps.
The global 6 hourly domain dumps take the form " wrfoutd0X... " , are of ~ 6Gb each and are produced
for each domain, d01 and d02. These are standard netcdf 4 data files. The sample output files have
the nomenclature:
wrfout_d01_1994-12-01_00:00:00 (domain d01, 00 hours on 1st December 1994 )
wrfout_d01_1994-12-01_06:00:00 (domain d01, 06 hours on 1st December 1994 )
wrfout_d02_1994-12-01_00:00:00 (domain d02, 00 hours on 1st December 1994 )
wrfout_d02_1994-12-01_06:00:00 (domain d02, 06 hours on 1st December 1994 )
The variables output can be determined from the netcdf header file using the command
. . .
ncdump -h ./wrfout_d01_1994-12-01_00:00:00
Some are of one, two or three dimensions and are stored in the " wrfoutd0X... " files. A full description
of each of these variables can be found in the
WRFV3.5.1 user guide. The following variables are ...
There are also monthly restart files ( ~ 35Gb each domain) which can be used to restart the model for any month "wrfrstd0X... ".
7. . Other provisional results
8. . Comparison of WISER model 1989 annual average OLR ( outgoing long-wave radiation, W/m2 )
with the ERBE satellite data for (1985-1989).
Right panel : Mean Annual OLR from the ERBE satellite measurements (years 1985 - 1989 ). The range is Dark Blue ~ 100 to Brown ~ 300 Watts/m2
Left panel : WISER OLR for 1989 from the model simulation. The range is Dark Blue ~ 120 to Dark Red/ Purple ~ 300 Watts/m2
Too much convection off the West Coast of Australia
Reasonable representation of the Indian monsoonal convection
Strong convection around the tropical date line
9. . Current and proposed analysis
Next papers. (see also "things-to-do" document, current 2018-05-03-things-to-do.doc)
[A] Wiser paper 2. In progress. Rainfall pdfs, diurnal cycle, mean / s.d. JW, AG, RB. JW figures, AG to start writing
[B] Data paper. Short paper to explain meta-data structure, location and access.
Prerequisite: data storage / access to be agreed with JASMIN after the new upgrade before commencing writing.
[C] Coastal Winds and extremes. AG,JW,RB,IC,AE
[D] Blocking anticyclones and storm tracks. Prerequisite: tracking algorithms confirmed and automated.
[E] Tracking of summer convective storms; precipitation efficiency. Prerequisite: tracking algorithms confirmed and automated.
IC+ AG??+RB??
[F] Meridional Heat Fluxes across say 50o N/S. AG,JW,RB,IC??
[G] Other possibilities. See current things-to-do document
10. . References
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Bruyère CL, Monaghan AJ, Steinhoff DF, Yates D. (2015) Bias-Corrected CMIP5 CESM Data in WRF/MPASIntermediate File Format. TN-515+STR, NCAR, 27 pp. (DOI: 10.5065/D6445JJ7)
Climate Change (2000) “Summary for Policy Makers, Emission Senarios” WMO Report of
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Climate Change. (2014) Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)]., 151 pp.
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Gadian AM; Blyth AM; Bruyere CL; Burton RR; Done JM; Groves J; Holland G; Mobbs SD; Pozo JTD; Tye MR; Warner JL (2018) A case study of possible future summer convective precipitation over the UK and Europe from a regional climate projection, International Journal of Climatology, 38, pp.2314-2324. doi: 10.1002/joc.5336
Gilliland, E. and Rowe, C. (2007) A comparison of cumulus parameterization scheme in the WRF model. 21st conference on Hydrology, https://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/120591.pdf
Kain JS. and Fritsch JM. (1993) Convective parameterization for mesoscale models: The Kain–Fritsch scheme. The Representation of Cumulus Convection in Numerical Models, Meteor. Monogr., No. 24, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 165–170
Klemp, J. (2006) Advances in the WRF model for convection resolving forecasting.Advances in Geosciences, 7, 25-29
Hong S. and Lim J. (2006) The WRF Single-Moment 6-Class Microphysics Scheme, Jou of Korean Met Soc. 42, 2, 129-151
Skamarock W, Klemp J, Dudhia J, Gill D, Barker D, Wang W, Powers J . (2008) A description of the advanced research WRF version 3. NCAR Technical Note 475. 113 pp
Wadhams, P. (2017) Farewell to Ice. Oxford University Press
Weisman, M. L., Davis, C., and Done, J. (2004) The promise and challenge of explicit
convective forecasting with the WRF Model, Preprints, 22nd AMS Conference on Severe Local
Storms, 4–8 October 2004, Hyannis, MA, 11 pp., available online:
http://ams.confex.com/ams/11aram22sls/techprogram/ paper 81383.htm
Weisman, M.L, C.Davis, W. Wang, K. Manning and J.Klemp.(2008) Experiences with 0–36-h Explicit Convective Forecasts with the WRF-ARW Model, Weather Forecasting 23(3) 407-437 (2008)
Useful information
For further information email Alan Gadian
June 2018