Multiscale Atmospheric Numerical Modelling - Dr. Alan Gadian , Prof S. Mobbs and Dr. S. Vosper
Developing adaptive grid procedures is now at the forefront of numerical technique improvement for simulating geophysical flows on a variety of scales. This project will provide a student with the opportunity, to not only use these approaches, but also to develop new methods for generation of meshes and grid structures which can be applied to geophysical flows. It will enable the student to study in this subject area which will have a major impact in geophysics. The development of adaptive grids is having, and will have in future decades, a major impact on the development of numerical atmospheric models.
Overall the student will experience a cross disciplinary research project in Computational Mathematics and Meteorology, and will be involved in a study which is at the forefront of developments in geophysical sciences. He or she will meet and work with scientists for other groups and research institutes, and will have gained valuable experience that can be applied in a large variety of scientific areas.
Background required: 2:1 or above in a Mathematical
or Physical Science Degree (with some Mathematics).
Funding: NERC , University Scholarship (for UK/EU)
or Overseas Research Scholarship (ORS) (for Overseas).
Special environmental mathematics funding
has also been applied for
Closing Date for Applications: As for scholarships (15 June 2003 for NERC, 1
March 2003 for University Scholarship and Overseas Research Scholarship).