Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
viscosity.F90 File Reference

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module  viscosity_mod
 Computes the viscosity dynamics for the U,V,W source terms.


type(component_descriptor_type) function, public viscosity_mod::viscosity_get_descriptor ()
 Provides the descriptor back to the caller and is used in component registration. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::field_information_retrieval_callback (current_state, name, field_information)
 Field information retrieval callback, this returns information for a specific components published field. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::field_value_retrieval_callback (current_state, name, field_value)
 Field value retrieval callback, this returns the value of a specific published field. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::initialisation_callback (current_state)
 Sets up the stencil_mod (used in interpolation) and allocates data for the flux fields. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::finalisation_callback (current_state)
subroutine viscosity_mod::timestep_callback (current_state)
 At each timestep will compute the viscosity U,V,W source terms. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::calculate_viscous_sources (current_state, local_y, local_x, tau12, tau12_ym1, tau12m1, tau11, tau22, tau22_yp1, tau33, tau11p1, tau13, tau13m1, tau23, tau23_ym1)
 Calculates the viscous sources based upon TAU for the U,V and W fields. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::calculate_tau (current_state, local_y, local_x, zu, zv, zw, tau12, tau12_ym1, tau12m1, tau11, tau22, tau22_yp1, tau33, tau11p1, tau13, tau13m1, tau23, tau23_ym1)
 Calculated TAU which is used in computing the viscous source terms. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::perform_local_data_copy_for_vis (current_state, halo_depth, involve_corners, source_data)
 Does local data copying for viscosity coefficient variable halo swap. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::copy_halo_buffer_to_vis (current_state, neighbour_description, dim, target_index, neighbour_location, current_page, source_data)
 Copies the halo buffer to halo location for the viscosity coefficient field. More...
subroutine viscosity_mod::copy_halo_buffer_to_vis_corners (current_state, neighbour_description, corner_loc, x_target_index, y_target_index, neighbour_location, current_page, source_data)
 Copies the corner halo buffer to the viscosity coefficient field corners. More...


real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:), allocatable viscosity_mod::u_viscosity
real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:), allocatable viscosity_mod::v_viscosity
real(kind=default_precision), dimension(:), allocatable viscosity_mod::w_viscosity