recursive character function, dimension(:), allocatable, public | configuration_parser_mod::get_io_xml (filename, funit_num) |
| Reads in textual data from a file and returns this, used to read the IO server XML configuration file. Returned is a character array of exactly the correct size filled with all the configuration. More...
subroutine, public | configuration_parser_mod::configuration_parse (provided_options_database, raw_configuration, parsed_configuration) |
| This will parse an XML string into the IO configuration. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::add_in_dimensions (provided_options_database) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::start_element_callback (element_name, number_of_attributes, attribute_names, attribute_values) |
| XML element start (opening) call back. This handles most of the configuration parsing. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::end_element_callback (element_name) |
| XML element end (closing) call back. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::handle_thread_pool_configuration (attribute_names, attribute_values) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::handle_new_data_definition (attribute_names, attribute_values) |
| Creates a new data definition configuration item based upon the attributes supplied. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::add_misc_member_to_diagnostic (element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::add_diagnostic_field_to_group (element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::define_group (attribute_names, attribute_values) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::add_include_to_file_writer (attribute_names, attribute_values) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::add_include_group_or_field_to_file_writer (attribute_names, attribute_values, number_of_contents) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::define_file_writer (attribute_names, attribute_values) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::define_diagnostic (attribute_names, attribute_values) |
| Defines a new data handling rule. More...
integer function | configuration_parser_mod::process_sizing_definition (size_definitions, individual_str_defn) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::process_xml_into_field_description (attribute_names, attribute_values) |
| Process XML into a field description by identifying the attributes of the field and storing these in a refined configuration format. More...
integer function | configuration_parser_mod::get_field_type_from_attribute (field_type_str) |
integer function | configuration_parser_mod::get_field_datatype_from_attribute (field_data_type_str) |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::replace_characters_in_string (original_string, new_string, to_replace) |
| Replaces specific characters in a string and returns a new string with this replaced by nothing (i.e. removed) More...
character(len=string_length) function | configuration_parser_mod::retrieve_string_value (original_string, field_value_type) |
integer function | configuration_parser_mod::get_field_index_from_name (attribute_names, search_name) |
| Given the name of an attribute will return the index of this in the names collection or 0 if it is not found. More...
subroutine, public | configuration_parser_mod::extend_inter_io_comm_array (io_configuration) |
| Extends the array of inter io communications from its current suze to current size+data_stride+current size deficit. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::extend_file_writer_contents_array () |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::extend_file_writer_array () |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::extend_diagnostics_array () |
| Extends the rules array of a specific rule from the current size to the current size + data size stride. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::extend_groups_array () |
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::extend_field_array () |
| Extends the fields array of the current data definition from the current size to the current size + data size stride. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::extend_data_definition_array () |
| Extends the data definitions array from the current size to the current size + data size stride. More...
subroutine, public | configuration_parser_mod::extend_registered_moncs_array (io_configuration) |
| Extends the data definitions array from the current size to the current size + data size stride. More...
integer function, public | configuration_parser_mod::retrieve_data_definition (io_configuration, key) |
| Retrieves a specific data definition from the configuration which matches a key. More...
logical function, public | configuration_parser_mod::retrieve_monc_definition (io_configuration, source, monc_defn) |
| Retrieves a specific MONC definition from the configuration which matches a source PID. More...
type(definition_description_type) function, dimension(:), allocatable, public | configuration_parser_mod::build_definition_description_type_from_configuration (io_configuration) |
| Builds up the data definition description type from the structured definitions in the IO configuration. More...
type(field_description_type) function, dimension(:), allocatable, public | configuration_parser_mod::build_field_description_type_from_configuration (io_configuration) |
| Builds up the field definition description type from the structured definitions in the IO configuration. More...
integer function | configuration_parser_mod::get_total_number_fields (io_configuration) |
| Retrieves the total number of fields held in all data definitions. More...
integer function, public | configuration_parser_mod::get_number_field_dimensions (io_configuration, field_name, source, data_id) |
| Retrieves the number of field dimensions that a specific field has from a MONC process within a data definition. This is determined by the MONC process when it registers with the IO server and can be different from one to another. More...
type(data_values_type) function, pointer | configuration_parser_mod::get_data_value_from_hashmap_by_field_name (collection, field_name) |
| Retrieves the data value (wrapper) by field name or null if no entry was found in the provided collection. More...
type(data_values_type) function, pointer | configuration_parser_mod::get_data_value_from_map_by_field_name (collection, field_name) |
| Retrieves the data value (wrapper) by field name or null if no entry was found in the provided collection. More...
type(data_values_type) function, pointer, public | configuration_parser_mod::get_data_value_from_map_entry (map_entry) |
| Retrieves the data value (wrapper) by field name or null if no entry was found in the provided map entry. More...
integer function, public | configuration_parser_mod::get_monc_location (io_configuration, source) |
| A helper function to get the location of a MONC's configuration in the IO data structure. More...
logical function, public | configuration_parser_mod::get_diagnostic_field_configuration (io_configuration, field_name, field_namespace, diagnostic_config) |
| Retrieves the diagnostics field configuration corresponding to a specific field name and returns whether one was found or not. More...
logical function, public | configuration_parser_mod::get_prognostic_field_configuration (io_configuration, field_name, field_namespace, prognostic_config, prognostic_containing_data_defn) |
| Retrieves the prognostic field configuration corresponding to a specific field name and returns whether one was found or not. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::add_in_specific_line (io_xml, reading_buffer) |
| Adds a specific line into the io xml. The IO XML is always exactly the correct size, so here is either allocated or resized to match what the read buffer requires. More...
subroutine | configuration_parser_mod::combine_xml_arrays (io_xml, other_xml_array) |
| Combines two IO XML arrays together (for instance one returned from a recursive include) More...
character(len=string_length), parameter | configuration_parser_mod::default_file_title = "MONC diagnostics" |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::eq_operator_type =1 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::lt_operator_type =2 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::gt_operator_type =3 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::lte_operator_type =4 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::gte_operator_type =5 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::add_operator_type =6 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::subtract_operator_type =7 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::multiply_operator_type =8 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::div_operator_type =9 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::mod_operator_type =10 |
integer, parameter | configuration_parser_mod::and_operator_type =11 |
integer, parameter | configuration_parser_mod::or_operator_type =12 |
integer, parameter | configuration_parser_mod::monc_size_stride =100 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::data_size_stride =10 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::time_averaged_type =1 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::instantaneous_type =2 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::none_type =3 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::group_type =1 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::field_type =2 |
integer, parameter, public | configuration_parser_mod::io_state_type =3 |
integer, parameter | configuration_parser_mod::file_str_stride =10000 |
integer, parameter | configuration_parser_mod::file_line_len =2000 |
logical | configuration_parser_mod::inside_data_definition |
logical | configuration_parser_mod::inside_handling_definition |
logical | configuration_parser_mod::inside_server_config |
logical | configuration_parser_mod::inside_action_config |
logical | configuration_parser_mod::inside_diagnostic_config |
logical | configuration_parser_mod::inside_group_config |
logical | configuration_parser_mod::inside_generic_writing |
logical | configuration_parser_mod::inside_specific_file_writing |
integer | configuration_parser_mod::current_building_definition |
integer | configuration_parser_mod::current_building_field |
integer | configuration_parser_mod::current_building_diagnostic |
integer | configuration_parser_mod::current_trigger_index |
integer | configuration_parser_mod::current_building_group |
integer | configuration_parser_mod::current_building_file_writer |
type(io_configuration_type), save | configuration_parser_mod::building_config |
| IO configuration that is build built up from XML parsing. More...
character(len=string_length) | configuration_parser_mod::data_handling_namespace |
type(hashmap_type) | configuration_parser_mod::options_database |
type(hashset_type) | configuration_parser_mod::data_field_names |