
  • Project Length - 2 years CEMAC Output - website
  • Project Site - Metoffice WCSSP work Package 3
  • Funding Body - NEWTON FUND
Description: FOrecasting Training in Southeast asia (FORTIS) is part of work package 3 in The Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership (WCSSP) Southeast Asia is a scientific research programme supported by the UK Government’s Newton Fund.

Provide Training to Enhance the process of operations-to-research feedback by developing forecaster-led evaluation of global and regional models (systematic approach).


Summary - Create a training website - Main Tool - python logo

Built a python flask tool hosted on Heroku to allow trianers and users to share lectures and practicals for each workshop

fortis screenshot

Technical Details: Backend: Python Flask App, with prostgress sql database and google cloud storage using gurnicorn web server on Heroku Front end: Bootstrap css, jquery and datatables allow for a smart easy to use interface, allowing users to easily search through the database and edit accordingly.

This training Tool has been used in 3 different workshops accross 3 different countries.


  • Python 3 (python flask)
  • SQL (Postgress)
  • jinja2
  • js
  • html
  • css
  • bash
  • heroku