Pictures of the 25 station sites of the High-resolution Seismic Tomography array in Hungary (HSTH)

Installed May 2006, photos by Greg Houseman.

Dunakiliti CBP2G


Gyorzamoly CBP2H with Attila and Pisti


Unfortunately no picture available for Tap: 2BP2I


Sur CBP2J with Attila


Urhida CBP2K




Paks CBP2M


Miske CBP2N


Borota CBP2O


Kunbaja CBP2P


Mihalyi CBP3H


Daka CBP3I


Kabhegy CBP3J


The station CBP3K is at Tihany, one of the CMG3T installations of the RBB array.


Bedegker CBP3L


Mucsi CBP3M


Ciko CBP3N


Homorud CBP3O


Tomord CBP4H


Csipkerek CBP4I


Zalaszanto CBP4J


Kethely CBP4K


Mezocsokonya CBP4L


Kistotvaros CBP4M


Gorcsony CBP4N


