This area was clear felled of conifers in 2004. Reseeding of sitka spruce is threatening the establishement of native woodland. |

Planting native broadleaf trees. |

This area was clear felled of conifers in 2004. Already you can see grasses, heather and rushes coming up through the brash. |
Planting native broadleaf trees. This area was clear felled of conifers in 2004. |

Planting broadleaves in amongst heavy brash. The River Duddon can be seen in the background, and sunlight on Crinkle Crags in the distance. |

Planting in glorious Febraury sunshine. This area was cleared in 2004. Already the growth of grasses on the site can be observed. |

This area was planted with sitka spruce in the late 1990's. Here we are removing the spruce to allow regeneration and planting of birch and rowan. |

A few hours later. It is slow going clearing these spiky trees. |