function varargout = cptcmap(varargin) %CPTCMAP Apply a .cpt file as colormap to an axis % % cptcmap(name); % cptcmap(name, ax); % cptcmap(... param, val, ...); % [cmap, lims, ticks, bfncol, ctable] = cptcmap(...) % % This function creates and applies a colormap defined in a color palette % table (.cpt file). For a full description of the cpt file format, see % the Generic Mapping Tools documentation ( % Color palette files provide more flexible colormapping than Matlab's % default schemes, including both discrete and continuous gradients, as % well as easier direct color mapping. % % Limitations: X11 color names not supported, patterns not supported, CMYK % not supported yet % % Input variables: % % name: .cpt file name. You may either specify either the full % path, or just the file name. In the latter case, the % function will look for the file in the folder specified by % the cptpath variable in the first line of code; by default % this folder is located in the same location as cptcmap.m % and is called cptfiles. % % ax: handle of axis or axes where colormap should be applied % (for pre-2014b versions, colormaps will effect the entire % figure(s), but axis clim adjustments for direct scaling % will only affect the specified axes; for 2014b+, colormap % will only be applied to the specified axes). If no axis is % specified and no output variables are supplied, colormap % will be applied to the current axis. If no axis is % specified and output variables are supplied, the colormap % will not be applied to any axes. % % 'showall': When this option is used, a figure is created displaying % colorbars for all colormaps contained in the .cpt folder. % Color limits of each colormap are listed along with the % names of each. A small tick mark indicates the location of % 0, where applicable. NOTE: the number of columns to use % for display is hard-coded. As you start collecting more % color palettes, the figure may get too cluttered and you % may have to adjust this (variable ncol in the plotcmaps % subfunction). % % Optional input variables (passed as parameter/value pairs): % % 'mapping': 'scaled' or 'direct'. Scaled mapping spreads the colormap % to cover the color limits of the figure. Direct mapping % resets the color limits of the axes so that colors are % mapped to the levels specified by the .cpt file. ['scaled'] % % 'ncol': number of colors in final colormap. If not included or NaN, % this function will try to choose the fewest number of % blocks needed to display the colormap as accurately as % possible. I have arbitrarily chosen that it will not try to % create more than 256 colors in the final colormap when % using this automatic scheme. However, you can manually set % ncol higher if necessary to resolve all sharp breaks and % gradients in the colormap. % % 'flip': if true, reverse the colormap order [false] % % Output variables: % % cmap: ncol x 3 colormap array % % lims: 1 x 2 array holding minimum and maximum values for which % the colormap is defined. % % ticks: vector of tick values specifying where colors were defined % in the original file % % bfncol: 3 x 3 colormap array specifying the colors defined for % background (values lower than lowest color limit), % foreground (values higher than highest color limit), and % NaN values. These do not affect the resulting colormap, % but can be applied by the user to replicate the behavior % seen in GMT. % % ctable: n x 8 color palette table, translated to Matlab color % space. Column 1 holds the lower limit of each color cell, % columns 2-4 the RGB values corresponding to the lower % limit, column 5 the upper limit of the color cell, and % columns 6-8 the RGB values of the upper limit. When the % lower and upper colors are the same, this defines a % solid-colored cell; when they are different, colors are % linearly interpolated between the endpoints. % % Example: % % [lat, lon, z] = satbath(10); % pcolor(lon, lat, z); % shading flat; % cptcmap('GMT_globe', 'mapping', 'direct'); % colorbar; % Copyright 2011 Kelly Kearney % File Exchange update: 4/12/2011 %------------------------------ % Parse input %------------------------------ % The .cpt file folder. By default, the cptfiles folder is located in % the same place as the cptcmap.m file. If you change this on your % computer, change the cptpath definition to reflect the new location. cptpath = fullfile(fileparts(which('cptcmap')), 'cptfiles'); if ~exist(cptpath, 'dir') error('You have moved the cptfiles directory. Please modify the cptpath variable in this code to point to the directory where your.cpt files are stored'); end if nargin < 1 error('You must provide a colormap name'); end % Check for 'showall' option first if nargin == 1 && strcmp(varargin{1}, 'showall') plotcmaps(cptpath); return; end % Name of file [blah, blah, ext] = fileparts(varargin{1}); if isempty(ext) varargin{1} = [varargin{1} '.cpt']; end if exist(varargin{1}, 'file') % full filename and path given filename = varargin{1}; else % only file name given [blah,blah,ext] = fileparts(varargin{1}); if ~isempty(ext) % with extension filename = fullfile(cptpath, varargin{1}); else % without extension filename = fullfile(cptpath, [varargin{1} '.cpt']); end if ~exist(filename, 'file') error('Specified .cpt file not found'); end end % Axes to which colormap will be applied if nargin > 1 && all(ishandle(varargin{2}(:))) ax = varargin{2}; pv = varargin(3:end); applycmap = true; elseif nargout == 0 ax = gca; pv = varargin(2:end); applycmap = true; else pv = varargin(2:end); applycmap = false; end % Optional paramter/value pairs p = inputParser; p.addParamValue('mapping', 'scaled', @(x) any(strcmpi(x, {'scaled', 'direct'}))); p.addParamValue('ncol', NaN, @(x) isscalar(x) && isnumeric(x)); p.addParamValue('flip', false, @(x) isscalar(x) && islogical(x)); p.parse(pv{:}); Opt = p.Results; %------------------------------ % Calculate colormap and apply %------------------------------ [cmap, lims,ticks,bfncol,ctable] = cpt2cmap(filename, Opt.ncol); if Opt.flip if strcmp(Opt.mapping, 'direct') warning('Flipping colormap with direct mapping may lead to odd color breaks'); end cmap = flipud(cmap); end if applycmap for iax = 1:numel(ax) if strcmp(Opt.mapping, 'direct') set(ax(iax), 'clim', lims); end colormap(ax(iax), cmap); end end %------------------------------ % Output %------------------------------ allout = {cmap, lims, ticks, bfncol, ctable}; varargout(1:nargout) = allout(1:nargout); %------------------------------ % Subfunction: Read colormap % from file %------------------------------ function [cmap, lims, ticks, bfncol, ctable] = cpt2cmap(file, ncol) % Read file fid = fopen(file); txt = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n'); txt = txt{1}; fclose(fid); isheader = strncmp(txt, '#', 1); isfooter = strncmp(txt, 'B', 1) | strncmp(txt, 'F', 1) | strncmp(txt, 'N', 1); % Extract color data, ignore labels (errors if other text found) ctabletxt = txt(~isheader & ~isfooter); ctable = str2num(strvcat(txt(~isheader & ~isfooter))); if isempty(ctable) nr = size(ctabletxt,1); ctable = cell(nr,1); for ir = 1:nr ctable{ir} = str2num(strvcat(regexp(ctabletxt{ir}, '[\d\.-]*', 'match')))'; end try ctable = cell2mat(ctable); catch error('Cannot parse this format .cpt file yet'); end end % Determine which color model is used (RGB, HSV, CMYK, names, patterns, % mixed) [nr, nc] = size(ctable); iscolmodline = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x), regexp(txt, 'COLOR_MODEL')); if any(iscolmodline) colmodel = regexprep(txt{iscolmodline}, 'COLOR_MODEL', ''); colmodel = strtrim(lower(regexprep(colmodel, '[#=]', ''))); else if nc == 8 colmodel = 'rgb'; elseif nc == 10 colmodel = 'cmyk'; else error('Cannot parse this format .cpt file yet'); end end % try % temp = str2num(strvcat(txt(~isheader & ~isfooter))); % if size(temp,2) == 8 % colmodel = 'rgb'; % elseif size(temp,2) == 10 % colmodel = 'cmyk'; % else % grayscale, maybe others % error('Cannot parse this format .cpt file yet'); % end % catch % color names, mixed formats, dash placeholders % error('Cannot parse this format .cpt file yet'); % end % end % % % iscmod = strncmp(txt, '# COLOR_MODEL', 13); % % % if ~any(iscmod) % isrgb = true; % else % cmodel = strtrim(regexprep(txt{iscmod}, '# COLOR_MODEL =', '')); % if strcmp(cmodel, 'RGB') % isrgb = true; % elseif strcmp(cmodel, 'HSV') % isrgb = false; % else % error('Unknown color model: %s', cmodel); % end % end % Reformat color table into one column of colors cpt = zeros(nr*2, 4); cpt(1:2:end,:) = ctable(:,1:4); cpt(2:2:end,:) = ctable(:,5:8); % Ticks ticks = unique(cpt(:,1)); % Choose number of colors for output if isnan(ncol) endpoints = unique(cpt(:,1)); % For gradient-ed blocks, ensure at least 4 steps between endpoints issolid = all(ctable(:,2:4) == ctable(:,6:8), 2); for ie = 1:length(issolid) if ~issolid(ie) temp = linspace(endpoints(ie), endpoints(ie+1), 11)'; endpoints = [endpoints; temp(2:end-1)]; end end endpoints = sort(endpoints); % Determine largest step size that resolves all endpoints space = diff(endpoints); space = unique(space); % space = roundn(space, -3); % To avoid floating point issues when converting to integers space = round(space*1e3)/1e3; nspace = length(space); if ~isscalar(space) fac = 1; tol = .001; while 1 if all(space >= 1 & (space - round(space)) < tol) space = round(space); break; else space = space * 10; fac = fac * 10; end end pairs = nchoosek(space, 2); np = size(pairs,1); commonsp = zeros(np,1); for ip = 1:np commonsp(ip) = gcd(pairs(ip,1), pairs(ip,2)); end space = min(commonsp); space = space/fac; end ncol = (max(endpoints) - min(endpoints))./space; ncol = min(ncol, 256); end % Remove replicates and mimic sharp breaks isrep = [false; ~any(diff(cpt),2)]; cpt = cpt(~isrep,:); difc = diff(cpt(:,1)); minspace = min(difc(difc > 0)); isbreak = [false; difc == 0]; cpt(isbreak,1) = cpt(isbreak,1) + .01*minspace; % Parse background, foreground, and nan colors footer = txt(isfooter); bfncol = nan(3,3); for iline = 1:length(footer) if strcmp(footer{iline}(1), 'B') bfncol(1,:) = str2num(regexprep(footer{iline}, 'B', '')); elseif strcmp(footer{iline}(1), 'F') bfncol(2,:) = str2num(regexprep(footer{iline}, 'F', '')); elseif strcmp(footer{iline}(1), 'N') bfncol(3,:) = str2num(regexprep(footer{iline}, 'N', '')); end end % Convert to Matlab-format colormap and color limits lims = [min(cpt(:,1)) max(cpt(:,1))]; endpoints = linspace(lims(1), lims(2), ncol+1); midpoints = (endpoints(1:end-1) + endpoints(2:end))/2; cmap = interp1(cpt(:,1), cpt(:,2:4), midpoints); switch colmodel case 'rgb' cmap = cmap ./ 255; bfncol = bfncol ./ 255; ctable(:,[2:4 6:8]) = ctable(:,[2:4 6:8]) ./ 255; case 'hsv' cmap(:,1) = cmap(:,1)./360; cmap = hsv2rgb(cmap); bfncol(:,1) = bfncol(:,1)./360; bfncol = hsv2rgb(bfncol); ctable(:,2) = ctable(:,2)./360; ctable(:,6) = ctable(:,6)./360; ctable(:,2:4) = hsv2rgb(ctable(:,2:4)); ctable(:,6:8) = hsv2rgb(ctable(:,6:8)); case 'cmyk' error('CMYK color conversion not yet supported'); end % Rouding issues: occasionally, the above calculations lead to values just % above 1, which colormap doesn't like at all. This is a bit kludgy, but % should solve those issues isnear1 = cmap > 1 & (abs(cmap-1) < 2*eps); cmap(isnear1) = 1; %------------------------------ % Subfunction: Display all % colormaps %------------------------------ function plotcmaps(folder) Files = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.cpt')); nfile = length(Files); ncol = 3; nr = ceil(nfile/ncol); width = (1 - .05*2)/ncol; height = (1-.05*2)/nr; left = .05 + (0:ncol-1)*width; bot = .05 + (0:nr-1)*height; [l, b] = meshgrid(left, bot); w = width * .8; h = height * .4; figure('color','w'); ax = axes('position', [0 0 1 1]); hold on; for ifile = 1:nfile [cmap,blah,blah,blah,ctable] = cptcmap(Files(ifile).name); [x,y,c] = ctable2patch(ctable); xtick = unique(x); dx = max(x(:)) - min(x(:)); xsc = ((x-min(xtick))./dx).*w + l(ifile); ysc = y.*h + b(ifile); xrect = [0 1 1 0 0] .*w + l(ifile); yrect = [1 1 0 0 1] .*h + b(ifile); xticksc = ((xtick-min(xtick))./dx).*w + l(ifile); x0 = interp1(xtick, xticksc, 0); y0 = b(ifile) + [0 .2*h NaN .8*h h]; x0 = ones(size(y0))*x0; lbl = sprintf('%s [%g, %g]', regexprep(Files(ifile).name,'\.cpt',''), min(x(:)), max(x(:))); patch(xsc, ysc, c, 'edgecolor', 'none'); line(xrect, yrect, 'color', 'k'); line(x0, y0, 'color', 'k'); text(l(ifile), b(ifile)+h, lbl, 'interpreter', 'none', 'fontsize', 10, 'verticalalignment', 'bottom', 'horizontalalignment', 'left'); end set(ax, 'ylim', [0 1], 'xlim', [0 1], 'visible', 'off'); % Determine patch coordinates function [x,y,c] = ctable2patch(ctable) np = size(ctable,1); x = zeros(4, np); y = zeros(4, np); c = zeros(4, np, 3); y(1:2,:) = 1; for ip = 1:np x(:,ip) = [ctable(ip,1) ctable(ip,5) ctable(ip,5) ctable(ip,1)]; c(:,ip,:) = [ctable(ip,2:4); ctable(ip,6:8); ctable(ip,6:8); ctable(ip,2:4)]; end