import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from netCDF4 import Dataset import as ccrs import datetime as dt import glob, os, sys import scipy as sp # Read in the text file of MJO phases ---------------------------------------- # Skip two lines of header text_data = np.genfromtxt("/nfs/a240/earceb/Teaching/SOEE2710_Python_module/course_material/level05/MJO_phases.txt",skip_header=2) MJO_phase = text_data[:,5] MJO_amp = text_data[:,6] # Create a datetime array for every day 1st Jan 2008 to 31st Dec 2017 # State with the first datetime base =, 1, 1) # Iterate through the days, adding 1 day each time MJO_dates = np.array([base + dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, np.size(MJO_phase))]) # Locate positions of DJF data and extract time, phase and amp data # Extract month data MJO_months = [MJO_dates[x].month for x in range(0, np.size(MJO_dates))] MJO_months = np.array(MJO_months) DJF_days = np.where(((MJO_months==1) | (MJO_months==2) | (MJO_months==12))) # Extract time, phase and amplitude data for DJF days 2008-2017 MJO_dates_DJF = MJO_dates[DJF_days[0]] MJO_amp_DJF = MJO_amp[DJF_days[0]] MJO_phase_DJF = MJO_phase[DJF_days[0]] # Read in the rainfall data ------------------------------------------------- # Get the rainfall data file names, sorted by name filenames = sorted(glob.glob('/nfs/a240/earceb/Teaching/SOEE2710_Python_module/course_material/level05/TRMM_data/*.nc4')) nc_fid = Dataset(filenames[0],'r') # Open first file #print(nc_fid.variables) # Have a look what is in file - check the units #print(nc_fid.variables.keys()) # Have a look what is in file - variable names only # Extract lat and lon from 1st file lat = nc_fid.variables['lat'][:] lon = nc_fid.variables['lon'][:] # Set up an empty array to fill with precip data ppt = np.empty((np.size(filenames),np.size(lon),np.size(lat))) # Set up an empty array to fill with times rain_dates = [] # Loop through all the files and extract the rainfall data count = 0 # Count to place data in ppt array for f in filenames: #print(f) # Print current file name nc_fid = Dataset(f,'r') # Open file # Read data and add to ppt array ppt[count,:,:] = nc_fid.variables['precipitation'][:] # Read data and add to ppt array # Retrieve time data from file name and add to dictionary temp_date = dt.datetime.strptime(f[94:101+1], "%Y%m%d") rain_dates.append(temp_date) count = count+1 # Increment the count # Loop through each MJO phase and extract rainfall data for each phase-------------------------------- # Create empty array of ppt data by phase ppt_by_phase = np.empty((8,np.size(lon),np.size(lat))) for mp in np.arange(1,8+1): print(mp) # Work out how many days fit criteria of MJOphase=mp and MJOamp>1 num_days = 0 for dd in np.arange(0,len(MJO_dates_DJF)): if MJO_phase_DJF[dd]==mp and MJO_amp_DJF[dd]>1: num_days = num_days+1 # Create temporary array to hold rainfall data rainfall_temp = np.empty((num_days,np.size(lon),np.size(lat))) # Locate days in Dec, Jan or Feb when MJOphase=mp and MJOamp>1 count = 0 for dd in np.arange(0,len(MJO_dates_DJF)): # Add rainfall data to temporary array if MJO_phase_DJF[dd]==mp and MJO_amp_DJF[dd]>1: rainfall_temp[count,:,:] = ppt[dd,:,:] count = count + 1 # Average rainfall data in temporary array and add to ppt_by_phase array ppt_by_phase[mp-1,:,:] = np.nanmean(rainfall_temp, axis=0) # Compute mean rainfall and rainfall anomally by MJO phase ppt_mean = np.mean(ppt, axis=0) # Create plots of rainfall anomally, 1 for each phase-------------------------- for mp in np.arange(1,8+1): # Initiate new Figure fig = plt.figure() # Set up axes and select map projection ax1 = plt.subplot(1,1,1,projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Set axis limits to show Africa only ax1.set_extent([25, 180, -30, 30], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Add features ax1.coastlines() # Find anomally from long-term mean data2plot = ppt_by_phase[mp-1,:,:]-ppt_mean # Apply gaussian filter data2plot = np.transpose(ppt_by_phase[mp-1,:,:]-ppt_mean) data2plot_smoothed = sp.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(data2plot, [3.0, 3.0], mode='constant') # Change values outside contour limits to min and max contours limits data2plot_smoothed[data2plot_smoothed > 6] = 6 data2plot_smoothed[data2plot_smoothed < -6] = -6 # Plot data im1 = ax1.contourf(lon, lat, data2plot_smoothed, np.arange(-6,6+1,2), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), # Add a title ax1.set_title('Rainfall anomally: MJO phase:' + str(mp)) # Add colorbar # Label the colorbar axes to make further changes cbar = plt.colorbar(im1, orientation='horizontal') # Add colorbar label'mm/day') # Make the plot visible # Save plot filename_start = "/nfs/a240/earceb/Teaching/SOEE2710_Python_module/course_material/level05/plots/MJO_rainfall_" filename_end = ".png" plt.savefig(filename_start.strip() + str(mp).strip() + filename_end.strip(), dpi=300, format='png')