function [phi_eq,lambda_eq] = lltoeq(phi,lambda,phi_pole,lambda_pole) % Calculates latitude and longitude on equatorial latitude-longitude (eq) grid used % in regional models from a standard grid. % % CEB Sept 2010 % Converted from John's % written by a. dickinson 11/8/89 % % reviewed by r. swinbank 19/01/90 % % purpose: % calculates latitude and longitude on equatorial % latitude-longitude (eq) grid used in regional % models from input arrays of latitude and % longitude on standard grid. both input and output % latitudes and longitudes are in degrees. % % documentation: % the transformation formulae are described in % unified model on-line documentation paper s1. % 24/09/2002 - Name of routine sgn changed to apply_sgn % % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % Arguments:-------------------------------------------------------- % % phi !in latitude % lambda !in longitude (0 =< lon < 360) % lambda_eq !out longitude in equatorial lat-lon coords % phi_eq !out latitude in equatorial lat-lon coords % phi_pole !in latitude of equatorial lat-lon pole % lambda_pole !in longitude of equatorial lat-lon pole small=1.0e-6; pi=3.14159265358979323846; % pi pi_over_180 =pi/180.0; % conversion factor degrees to radians recip_pi_over_180 = 180.0/pi; % conversion factor radians to degrees % latitude of zeroth meridian lambda_zero=lambda_pole+180; % sine and cosine of latitude of eq pole sin_phi_pole=sin(pi_over_180*phi_pole); cos_phi_pole=cos(pi_over_180*phi_pole); % transform from standard to equatorial latitude-longitude % scale longitude to range -180 to +180 degs a_lambda=lambda-lambda_zero; i=find(a_lambda > 180.0); if length(i)>0 a_lambda(i)=a_lambda(i)-360.0; end i=find(a_lambda < -180.0); if length(i)>0 a_lambda(i)=a_lambda(i)+360.0; end % convert latitude & longitude to radians a_lambda=pi_over_180.*a_lambda; a_phi=pi_over_180.*phi; % compute eq latitude using equation (4.4) arg=-1.*cos_phi_pole.*cos(a_lambda).*cos(a_phi) + sin(a_phi).*sin_phi_pole; i=find(arg>1.0); if length(i)>0 arg(i)=1.0; end i=find(arg<-1.0); if length(i)>0 arg(i)=-1.0; end e_phi=asin(arg); phi_eq=recip_pi_over_180.*e_phi; % compute eq longitude using equation (4.6) term1 =cos(a_phi).*cos(a_lambda).*sin_phi_pole + sin(a_phi).*cos_phi_pole; term2 =cos(e_phi); i1=find(term2 < small); i2=find(term2 > small); e_lambda=lambda; if length(i1)>0 e_lambda(i1)=0.0; end if length(i2)>0 arg=term1(i2)./term2(i2); i=find(arg>1,1); %i=find(arg>1,0); if length(i)>1.0 arg(i)=1.0; end i=find(arg<-1,1); %i=find(arg<-1,0); if length(i)>1.0 arg(i)=-1.0; end e_lambda(i2)=recip_pi_over_180.*acos(arg); e_lambda(i2)=apply_sgn(e_lambda(i2),a_lambda(i2)); end % scale longitude to range 0 to 360 degs i=find(e_lambda > 360.0); if size(i)>0 e_lambda(i)=e_lambda(i)-360.0; end i=find(e_lambda < 0.0); if size(i)>0 e_lambda(i)=e_lambda(i)+360.0; end lambda_eq=e_lambda;