program erf use FoX_wxml implicit none integer, parameter :: long = selected_real_kind(9, 99) real(kind=long), parameter :: SqrtPI = 1.77245385091 real(kind=long) :: arg real(kind=long) :: result integer :: its type(xmlf_t) :: xf its = 0 arg = 0 print*, "Enter the argument to be evaluated by the Error Function:" read*, arg if (( stop "argument must be between 0 and 1" print*, "Enter the number of cycles to iterate through the series:" read*, its call xml_OpenFile(filename='erf.xhtml', xf=xf, unit=28, broken_indenting=.true.) call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, nsURI='') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='html') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='head') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='title') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars='Error Function') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='title') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='head') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='body') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='h1') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars='Error Function') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='h1') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='h2') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars='Using a do loop') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='h2') print*, "Using a do loop to evaluate the Error Function." result = erf_loop(arg,its) print*, "Value is:", result call xml_NewElement(xf, name='p') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars='Result is:') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars=result) call xml_EndElement(xf, name='p') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='h2') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars='Using a recursive approach') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='h2') print*, "Using a recursive approach to evaluate the Error Function." result = erf_recur(arg,its) print*, "Value is:", result call xml_NewElement(xf, name='p') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars='Result is:') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars=result) call xml_EndElement(xf, name='p') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='body') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='html') call xml_Close(xf) contains function erf_loop(x,i) real(kind=long) :: erf_loop real(kind=long), intent(in) :: x integer, intent(in) :: i integer :: n erf_loop = 0.0 do n = 0, i erf_loop = erf_loop + ( (2*((-1)**n)) / (SqrtPI*(2*n+1)*factorial(n)) *(x**(2*n+1)) ) end do end function erf_loop recursive real(kind=long) function erf_recur(x,n) result(erf) real(kind=long), intent(in) :: x integer, intent(in) :: n if ( then erf = erf_recur(x,n-1) + ( (2*((-1)**n)) / (SqrtPI*(2*n+1)*factorial(n)) *(x**(2*n+1)) ) else if (n.eq.0) then erf = ( (2*((-1)**n)) / (SqrtPI*(2*n+1)*factorial(n)) *(x**(2*n+1)) ) else stop "Error in erf_recur - negative value of n" end if end function erf_recur function factorial(y) integer :: factorial integer, intent(in) :: y integer :: j if (y.eq.0) then factorial = 1 else if ( then factorial = 1 do j = 1, y factorial = factorial * j end do else stop "Factorial does not support negative arguments" end if end function factorial end program erf