program homepage use FoX_wxml implicit none type(xmlf_t) :: xf ! Open the xml document call xml_OpenFile(filename='homepage.xhtml', xf=xf, unit=20) call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, nsURI='') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='html') ! The document head... call xml_NewElement(xf, name='head') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='title') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars="Andrew's home page") call xml_EndElement(xf, name='title') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='head') ! The document body... call xml_NewElement(xf, name='body') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='h1') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars="Andrew's home page") call xml_EndElement(xf, name='h1') call xml_NewElement(xf, name='p') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, & & chars="I'm a postdoctoral research fellow and was involved in the ") call xml_NewElement(xf, name='i') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars="e") call xml_EndElement(xf, name='i') call xml_AddCharacters(xf, & & chars="Minerals project. This is not my web site.") call xml_EndElement(xf, name='p') call xml_EndElement(xf, name='body') ! The end of the document. call xml_EndElement(xf, name='html') call xml_Close(xf) end program homepage