
"The present is the key to the past"

Uniformitarianism; James Hutton

..can the past also be the key to the future?

Stephen Hunter

Brief Biography, Research Interests and Current Research

I am a research fellow within the Institute of Climate & Atmospheric Sciences, School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds. I'm currently working on projects to explore changes in the volume and stability of the global methane hydrate reservoir through the last interglacial-glacial cycle and into the future. My broader interests lie in the modelling of earth system components and how they interact within a palaeoclimatic context. I am interested in the modelling of the Late Cretaceous earth system, in particular with regards to deciphering large and rapid sea-level signals, through the application of climate and ice-sheet models. I am also currently working on the mid-Pliocene, conducting very long (40 kyr+) transient-type climate model experiments to understand drivers of Pliocene warmth and climate variabillity and also to help better resolve model-data discrepancies.

Current research is described in detail here


web: homepage

SGPC University of Leeds British Geological Survey PRISM BRIDGE UK Polar Network Leicester University NCAS Antarctic Climate Evolution PMIP2 Met Office