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A first IDL procedure: an example reading data from a file

The IDL functions we have used so far return a single variable. It is often useful to return multiple variables. We use procedures to do this. They are hardly different from functions, and you could always use procedures instead of functions in fact.

For example, we have a file of radiosonde data that contains a header line and then six columns of data in ascii format. We want to define a general piece of code to read this

Open a file read_ascii_cols. pro and insert,

pro read_ascii_cols,infile,data,width,head_length=head_length

;pro read_ascii_cols,infile,data,head_length=head_length
;read a file of columns of asciii data of unknown length
;width specifies number of data values in a line of data
;Keyword: head_length specifies number of lines in header
;JOHN MARSHAM 10/02/04

data_line=fltarr(width) ; Creates an empty array of floating point numbers 
head_line='' ; Creates an empty string (for text) 
header=strarr(head_length) ; Creates an empty array of strings 


openr,12,infile ; open the file to read from 

;If there's a header then read to header string array 
if keyword_Set(head_length) then begin
 for k=0,head_length-1 do begin

;Read data 
repeat begin
;If first line then data=data_line else add data_line to the existing data
if i eq 0 then data = data_line else data=[[data],[data_line]]
endrep until eof(12) ;read until end of the file (eof) 

This is more complex than our past examples and includes several new things (a loop and an if statement for example). Look them up in IDL help if you are unsure what they are doing.

Now use the code to read a file,

.compile read_ascii_cols
This should read the five header lines, then read the data into a 7 column array (use ``help,data''). Although the header does not tell you(!) the data is:
Linenumber (column 0),pressure (column 1, Pa), height (column 2, m), temp (column 3, K), dew-point (column 4, K), wind direction (column 5, degrees), windspeed (column 6, m/s).

Try to plot temperature against height,

Not a very useful graph! Look at the data (print data). There are lots of bad data values (9999999s). We need to exclude these.

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John Marsham 2009-12-07