These instructions are for installing a statically compiled version of blasvis, such as that distributed by me. The version supplied by will comes as a tarball which can be unpacked into your chosen installation location. Usually this would be /usr/local/ or your home directory. To install the package 1) Move to your chosen installation directory. 2) Unpack the tar ball ( e.g. tar xzvf blasvis-1.0.3-static.tar.gz ) 3) You need to set the environment variable PLPLOT_LIB to point to the location of the font data needed by plplot. Suppose your installation directory was /path/to/mydir. The plplot data is then in /path/to/mydir/share/plplot-data If you use bash then you will need to do something like export PLPLOT_LIB=/path/to/mydir/share/plplot-data For csh it will look something like setenv PLPLOT_LIB /path/to/mydir/share/plplot-data You might want to edit your profile so you don't have to do this every time you log in. Ensure that /path/to/mydir/bin is in your path. Brief documentation on using blasvis++ is available in info / html / pdf formats in the docs directory. Andrew Ross