#!/usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal pdfcairo enhanced color dashed font "DejaVuSerif,10" size 29.7cm,21.0cm set key spacing 1.3 set datafile missing 'NaN' set grid lt 5 set title "“Rose”(Dell R185) filesystem throughput by # of enabled physical¹ CPUs, 2012-09-27" set ylabel "throuhput / GBs^-^1" set xlabel "writers" set xrange [1:16] set xtics 1,1 set output 'iozone-panassus-results-2012-09-27.pdf' set key autotitle columnheader set datafile separator "," set label "1. Each physical CPU on Rose is a 16-core AMD Opteron(TM) Processor 6276" at screen 0.01, screen 0.025 font "DejaVuSerif,6" set label "2. Romana is a Dell R610 with 2x12core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPUs, included for comparison" at screen 0.01, screen 0.01 font "DejaVuSerif,6" plot "iozone-panassus-speed-comparisons.csv" using 1:($2/1000) with linespoints, \ "iozone-panassus-speed-comparisons.csv" using 1:($3/1000) with linespoints,\ "iozone-panassus-speed-comparisons.csv" using 1:($4/1000) with linespoints, \ "iozone-panassus-speed-comparisons.csv" using 1:($5/1000) with linespoints, \ "iozone-panassus-speed-comparisons.csv" using 1:($6/1000) with linespoints title "Romana²" lt 8